Graduate Unemployment In Nigeria

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The aim of this dissertation is to find out why graduates from Nigeria state universities are not employed. By doing this, we shall find out the state of unemployment among graduates from Nigerian universities and also the cause and solution to this problem.

The Nigerian educational system particularly university education has grown in leaps and bounds in recent years. This is particularly noticeable owing to the emergence of private and state universities in the country. Before independence, Nigeria had only one university (University of Ibadan). Between 1960 and 1999, the country had a total of 39 universities. In the last two years, the nation's universities had risen to a total of 89, comprising 27 federal 30 state and 32 private universities. One state alone (Ogun State) has a total of ten (10) universities. Closely connected with this is the turnover from these universities which has increased with astonishing rapidity. With over eighty universities in Nigeria today and an average of one hundred and sixty thousand graduates each year, the country is now bedeviled with severe graduate unemployment, since there seems to be a mismatch between graduate training and the world of work. The resultant effect is the fear of a revolution which may consume all if care is not taken as these jobless graduates have become very desperate and willing to do anything including armed robbery in order to survive. This paper is set out to discuss in retrospect the genesis and trend as well as implications of graduate unemployment on Nigeria's socio-economic and political development, with a view to proffering solutions towards resolving and ameliorating the decadent situation. One of the policy thrusts of the paper is the need for universities in Nigeria to respond to the current challenge of graduate unemployment through a thorough and complete restructuring of their curriculum content in order to make them more relevant to contemporary needs. Besides, the concept of university education for self-reliance which will make the graduates job creators rather than job seekers will need to be pursued vigorously.

Keywords: unemployment, Nigeria, graduate, institutional ineffectiveness, Issue of Unemployment, developing countries unemployment

Statement of Authenticity

Thousands of graduates that are turned out every year end up roaming the streets for years without any hope of securing paid employment even after sacrificing one year to serve their fatherland through the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Scheme.


Table of Contents


Statement of Authenticity3

CHAPTER 1: Introduction6

CHAPTER 2: Economic Theory14

CHAPTER 3: Methodology14

CHAPTER 4: Conclusion14

CHAPTER 5: References14

CHAPTER 1: Introduction

In Nigeria, the unemployment level is increasing gradually and it is difficult to point out the causes of such problem. The kind of unemployment that is usually experienced in Nigeria is graduate unemployment. Graduate unemployment is among people with an academic degree. Research study undertaken proved that the unemployment, and much more , the underemployment of graduates, are devastating phenomena in the lives of graduates and a high incidence of either, are definite indicators of institutional ineffectiveness and ...