Graded Assignment: Family Case Study

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Graded Assignment: Family Case Study

Graded Assignment: Family Case Study

A. Identifying Data

1. Family Name

The family interviewed was the Jones.

2. Address and Phone

110 Lightwood Ln

Rochester, NY 14606-3608

(585) 247-4678

3. Family Composition

The family consisted of the parents and three children. Two of the children were males and one female. Aged 12, 10, and 7 respectively.

4. Type of Family Form

The family interviewed was a nuclear family since it consisted of a couple living with their children. In this family, both parents earn for the family.

5. Cultural (Ethnic) Background

Although American, the history of the family goes back to the United Kingdom as the grandfather of Mr. Jones came from there. The language spoken at home is English considering their background. All the members usually dress casually during their leisure time. However, on special occasions, they wear formal clothes.

6. Religious Identification

The family belongs to the Roman Catholic faith and all the members are baptized. The whole family attends Church every Sunday but the parents attend services more often. The second son is a member of the choir while the daughter also occasionally joins it during her vacations. There is a saying that the family that prays together stays together; in this sense, the al the members pray together each evening. The family ensures that the every child attends Mass on Sundays and prays regularly. They also believe that in the future, the children should marry into the same religion.

7. Social Class Status

The husband and wife were both working and have respectable jobs. Judging from their income, they can be classified as a middle class family. The mother is a secretary and the father works in the finance department of a local school. The major costs that the family incurs are payment of mortgage, insurance, utility bills, and transportation.

8. Family's Recreational or Leisure-Time Activities

During their leisure time, the children usually play games on their computer and their play station. In order to interact with the kids, the parents also join them. This daily activity helps to strengthen the bond between all the members of the family.

B. Developmental and Environmental Data

1. Family's Present Developmental Stage

The family is at the development stage since the children are still young and require constant guidance and attention. After marriage, the couple began to live separately from their parents therefore, they started off from the initiation stage but now it has been around 15 years that they are married and considering their children are still young, the family can be considered to be in the development stage with the maturity stage close at hand. All the three children are in school. The daughter is in primary school while the two sons are in secondary school. The parents are quite concerned about the development of their children and therefore discuss things with them on a regular basis.

2. Extent of Developmental Tasks Fulfillment

The parents have a major role in developing their children because there is no one else who could fulfill this role considering the form of family they are living ...