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Government Business Relation Assignment

Government Business Relation Assignment


The natural reserves are the most valuable assets of the country. The natural reserves found must be utilized efficiently in a manner that it benefits the local citizens of the country as well as it can be the source of economic development. The natural resources that are abundant in quantity can be used for making the exports and this can be helpful in earning the foreign exchange for the country. It is the responsibility of every government to make the effective national plans and also to make the practical implications of that plans so as to ensure that the plans are made to organize the natural resources in the efficient manner that further ensures the long term development of the country. The plans must be devised based on the long term goals and that the objectives of the country that define the economic situation of the country in the future. The devised plans must focus on the development of both of the urban and rural areas of the country. There must be strong consideration and link between the devised plans and the usage of the natural resources of the region. The lands that are with natural resources may be under the authority of various civilians and must especially need to have the specific devised plans.

Also it is the responsibility of the country's government to give the best input for the allocation of the natural resources and to utilize those resources for the betterment of the economy and for the country's development. There must be proper allocation of the funds reserves for the allocation of natural resources and for the mechanisms to extract out and utilize those resources. The natural reserves must also be taken into consideration for making the investments in the central budget of the country. The cost associated with the allocation and extraction of natural resources at all the national levels must also be the important consideration of the government. The proper allocation of budget must be given to the natural resources researchers and the mining and extraction companies so that the natural resources can be extracted and utilized without the los and wastage by using and implementing the latest technologies.

The efficient and adequate utilization of resources can definitely protect the general public and civilians interests that are living in the country. In many countries, including Australia, the finding of natural resources is designated by the government owned institutions. The private land owners with the natural reserves have little authorities in dealing with the natural reserves' extraction issues. Various research institutions also provide their facilities in the detection and the utilization of the natural resources. Besides this there are many mining companies that are operating under the governmental authorities and that provide the services for the detection and the extraction and the mining of the natural reserve.

The Australia Pacific LNG is one of the largest organizations on the land of Australia that is providing the gas extraction and mining services in ...
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