Google Spying

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Google Spying


Google has always tried to lead the search market, and to a very large extent, it has succeeded in this quest. Wireless internet access has grown in importance as one of the largest merging fields. Desktops and laptops have given way to cell phones as the dominant internet access medium; therefore, Google has also been trying to lead this market. It has designed a whole set of services that aim to take advantage of the mobile communication. These services have exploited the differences between the way internet is accessed on a laptop and a cell phone. Services provided by Google are free of charge and the company has a vast portfolio that includes Gmail, Maps, Docs, Calendar Sync and various other applications that can be downloaded to many phones. This is in direct defiance of the current models that charge a flat monthly fee. Google wished to bring its advertising model to the mobile world. The strategy is to capture the market a d push its advertising solutions to the mobile consumers.

Google Spying

Despite all the positive points that are associated with Google, there was also a negative aspect which was termed as Google Spying. Investigation that was conducted shows that Google has been using roving vans in order to create online mapping services which are being offered to the customers (Levy, pp. 100). However, these vans have been collecting the data with regards to the websites the people are visiting via wireless networks. This has been referred as Google spying because the company is collecting the data of the customers in this way. This has increased the concerns of the customers because the company is violating the privacy of the users. Previously, it was mentioned by Google, that the company was collecting Wi-Fi locations; however, it failed ...
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