Good Structured Paragraph

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Good Structured Paragraph

Good Structured Paragraph

Students Working in Collaboration

Group work creates a synergy:

In a normal class so heterogeneous, students working in groups are more effective than individual work. At the same time, the learned concepts are more numerous, the knowledge is better integrated, and more labour supplied is the result of a synergy and not a simple addition. Communication between students is more diverse than the exchange with the teacher because it is facilitated by equality among students. Learning is so personalized, more suited to the immediate need, just as valid as that provided by the teacher checks if the explanations friends. Indeed, the establishment of a student can speak about their work entails the need for the teacher to listen. The student participates more actively, with the right to move, manipulate, talk, negotiate its place in the group and this creates so much fun for them (McManus, 2005, pp. 125-30).

Students should be grouped according to the goal:

If it is an activity that involves the whole class, students can be grouped by affinity. Communication within the group will be established faster and warmer. Four groups are then more effective. Spontaneously, a student takes orders, suggesting actions and directing two other students. Another student modulates the request of the head to better adapt to the instructions of the teacher and serves as secretary. A third student performs tasks constantly checking to the head or the second. A fourth, less communicative, takes a step back and observe, identifying omissions and supplementing action.

It is important to change the group by initiating a new action because the students have the possibility of changing roles within the new group. Indeed, four group leaders, 4 seconds, 4 performers or 4 auditors will not prevent new groups to rebalance equally spontaneously with one of each (Conard, et. al., 2010, pp. 29-35).

Larger groups are more varied roles to install but the lag-down to appear. It will, however be careful not to freeze the group for the year in each role. If it is a remedial activity, the more effective is the pairs to be formed by grouping students further. To take one example known to all, imagine a literary spirit associated with a scientific mind, the communication will be slow to develop but how successful.

Zero Tolerance and Suspension

Action against certain behaviours

When certain behaviours constantly interrupt instruction, we must find ways to minimize or avoid them. In other words, instead of trying to change the behaviour of students, trying to change his own way. For example, the spontaneous reactions in class constants can be frustrating for both the teacher and students who wish to take part in the discussion. Although they have their place in the classroom (e.g., during brainstorming activities), spontaneous reactions can affect education, disrupt the group discussion and have the effect of allowing a small number of students dominate the situation and discourage less confident students themselves participate (Daniels, 2009, pp. 154-60). To minimize spontaneous, ensuring that students know when and how to ...
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