Good Or Evil

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Good or Evil

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Good or Evil


A common perception about good and evil is that they are either rewarded or punished. Religion, society, civilization and culture playas an important role in the establishment and recognition of good and evil and human actions, attitudes and behaviors are shaped through these unwritten morals and ethos. It is commonly believed that human actions and conducts are bound to results. Good actions and conducts are rewarded with something good and evil actions and conducts are punished. The deliverance of these rewards or punishments may be earthly or in the afterlife. Legal structure and legislation of a country design punishments for evil actions and conducts and religious beliefs and spiritual institutions intimidate humans with unknown punishment of the hereafter. Keeping in view these factors it can be said that human actions are shaped with the intimidation of punishments, when these barriers are removed human beings may incline to evil actions and conducts.

Thesis Statement

There are certain human instincts and inherent natural ethics which limit human actions to cause evil to others and to the society, without an observing authority or fear of punishment.

In this paper I will be discussing the same concept of good or evil and whether human actions are shaped with the fear of punishment or the desire of reward. I have been asked to assume the scenario where there is no observing or evaluating authority whether in terms of earthly law and order or the divine judgment. I have been asked to assume that there is no God or any worldly law and order. I have been given a scenario where I have a magic ring and have the power to control my visibility. A common perception about being visible is that any action that a person perform is subjected to a reward or a punishment, when they cannot be seen they have the liberty to do anything they want, without the fear of being caught. I believe that there are inherent human morals and ethics without which play a significant role in shaping human actions, without the threat of punishment. However, this situation varies from person to person. The interpretation and conceptualization of good or evil is dependent on a number of factors, like, social environments, cultural traditions, local rituals and undefined rules. I will go about this notion and consider a various concepts on the idea (Siegel, 2005).

If I have had a magic ring which turns me invisible when I move it to the right and turn me back to visibility when I move it to the left. The concept of disappearance is one of the biggest fantasies of man for centuries. What matters is what we do with this disappearance. If I analyze my personality which may be a representation of human psyche, I can say that if I had something like that and I have a tool for my disappearance I might fulfill my every desire I could ever think of. I would be able to go ...
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