“glossopharyngeal Nerve Transection Impairs Unconditioned Avoidance Of Diverse Bitter Stimuli In Rats”

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“Glossopharyngeal Nerve Transection Impairs Unconditioned Avoidance of Diverse Bitter Stimuli in Rats”

Glossopharyngeal Nerve Transection Impairs Unconditioned Avoidance of Diverse Bitter Stimuli in Rats


This study titles “Glossopharyngeal Nerve Transection Impairs Unconditioned Avoidance of Diverse Bitter Stimuli in Rats”, and it aims at proving that if GL is cut, it would greatly affect the behavioral avoidance of Cycloheximide presence and PROP than on Quinine and Denatonium. GL has stimulating effects on the CT although to a little extent than the acids and salts.

This study employed experimental quantitative research, which basically interprets the word in a form, structured numerically. The empirical and numerical data is proved to be very time saving and cooperative while conducting a new research. The GL (Glossopharyngeal nerve) innervates taste buds on the subsequent tongue, which has >60% of the overall taste bud presence in the rat's oral cavity.


A series of experiments was performed on rats for proving the aimed aspects. There were 40 rats that were divided into four groups. The division was in accordance with the preset decision of analyzing on the basis of the following;

Chorda tympani transected (CTX)

Glossopharyngeal transected (GLX)

Sham (SHAM)

Combined transection (CTX _ GLX).

The experiments conducted were all in accordance with the verified testing and procedures approved by ILACUC. ILACUC is International Laboratory Care and Use Committee at the Ohio State University. The approach was to make the rats lick in the destined chamber so that they could be examined in terms of their taste buds. All the rats were kept without water for a specific period of about 18 hours, and it was noted that 90% of the rats showed no signs or symptoms of ill-feeling or distress. All were monitored in order to assess the hydration status of them. All the rats were gone through the training sessions along the experiment. After 18 hours, the rats were given the distilled water for drinking for a period of 30 minutes. The next day, the session was increased with 10 more minutes; and the trials of water were changed in the range of 2-5 seconds while inter-trial timing was set at 10 seconds. This resulted in the failed response from 2 rats, which were again trained after two hours.

After the training session, the rats were meant to surgery. They were free to access the food and water all the time before 2-3 days of the surgery. Then in surgery, ketamine or Xylazine mixture was used to ...