Globalization & Hrm Strategies

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Globalization & HRM Strategies

Globalization & HRM Strategies

Brief Description of Apple Inc

The company I have selected to analyze is Apple Inc., which is an American based multinational enterprise and listed in the NYSE as well as NASDAQ under the symbol of AAPL. Apple specializes in manufacturing, designing, and developing electronic products like software, computers, and smartphones. The product line of hardware of Apple is already well acknowledged in the market, such as Macintosh, iphone, ipad, and ipod. The company offers wide range of software to the worldwide market that ranges from operating system to the educational as well as entertainment suits. Apple had more than three hundred retail stores, by the end of year 2010, in 10 countries, and in addition to this, the company have online stores that provides its different products and services to the customers worldwide. Thus, the company deals in technology industry and employs around 2,000 to 20,000 employees (size).

Apple has achieved a successful market position and distinctive reputation in the electronic market across the globe, which is because of different reasons such as its effective business strategies, unique designs, operational philosophy, and distinctive marketing campaigns. Apple's exclusive position in market is associated with its devoted as well as loyal customer base and its brand equity, particularly in American markets. About four consecutive years, the company is listed as one of the most admired firms of the United States of America and of the World (Reuters, 2013). Hence, Apple deals in technology industry and occupies a unique market share in electronic markets across the globe. Furthermore, the company is one of the leading firms of the world due to its exclusive and effective business management strategies.

Impact of Globalization, Cultures, and Labor Markets on the Human Resource Management Function of Apple Inc

Globalization, cultures, and labor markets are all the business factors that have highly impacted on the various areas of different businesses. Among all those areas, human resource management is one of the most affected business areas of international firms. As far as Apple is concerned, the company has adopted a centralized system of human resource management, which facilitates a business to retain a tight hold within the firm's nation of origin and allows relying on high level headquarters' staff for supervising the local managers. HQ staff comes under the responsibility of headquarter staff, whereas, local staff is supervised by the local managers. Global executives supervise both HQ teams as well as local teams. This system of human resource is adopted by Apple as a result of globalization, since it is beneficial for maintaining a strict brand control. It is not difficult to observe how this system of global companies' works, as employees across the globe wear same uniform and receive same training.

Due to globalization, Apple now interacts with all types customers as well as stakeholders from diversified cultures, social backgrounds, and languages. In response to it, the human resource of the company seeks to hire employees from equally diversified ...
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