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Globalization is driven by political choice and not by technological changes

Globalization is driven by political choice and not by technological changes


Despite the increasing use of the term globalization among intellectuals in the world in recent times and is widely published books around and holding of seminars and conferences dealt with many aspects of its concept, and talked about the risks, but the mystery still surrounds this term. Especially as the globalization of various aspects of economic, political, cultural and social, from here it would be useful to shed light on the nature of globalization and how to deal with the use of its advantages and disadvantages. These debates, discussions and studies on this important issue are made in the academies, in circles or groups protesters, as well as financial centres and economic development in the world. The latter posed not as ideological but as part of its strategy for businesses worldwide.

It seems that the confrontation has said that companies were aware of what is globalization and how the affecting way. However, this view is far from true, at least, of what is observed in most of the population of countries. It can be argued that on the field there is a general ignorance. It involves too much because it addresses all facets of society. Not only is the world opens or closes further. Globalization involves the whole is even a way of living. You could say that is up out of their culture and folklore to humans of habitat natural, i.e., customs, ways of being, likes, including ways of eating. Some authors little deeper into the search for the essence of globalization. Just pose it is a phenomenon by which nations are open to the world. Now, there is a group of writers who posed the opposite. Starting with the difficulty of definition, among them is Sánchez (2004) argue the complexity of the issue and yet, he believes that is determined by two variables. (Katherine, 1996, p. 29-49)

It can be defined as the ease of movement of people, goods and information between States on the global scale. There are those who confuse the concept of globalization and global, the world devoted to communication between human beings to achieve the objectives of the material and knowledge for all human beings, and supply the particulars and the different identities that enrich and is concerned with human rights and cultural freedoms and democracy. Globalization does not recognize state or national or belonging to a national market, tourism, technology and informatics. (Gregor, 1997, p. 153-80)

"Globalization" is the ideology reflects directly on the will to dominate the world and Omrkih, has identified and means to achieve this in the use of the global market tool to disrupt the balance in the nation-states in the systems and programs for social protection, as well as to give all the importance and priority of the media to make the changes required at the local and global.

This research aims to clarify the concepts of globalization is a "political ...
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