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Ethnographic Study

Ethnography is a qualitative research method often used in the social sciences, particularly in anthropology and in sociology.To conduct an ethnographic study in a community is no easy feat however it may seem to first appear. There are many obstacles and unprecedented reactions to a sociologist or anthropologist conducting such a study. The person conducting the study must ask themselves a variety of questions before attempting to integrate into their society of interest.

One of the main areas of concern is how much of a distance should one keep so as not to become too attached that it may hinder their observation. This may cause the result to become more subjective than objective. According to Alder and Alder (1987), when studying a subculture particularly adeviant group, “researchers must assume social roles that fit into the worlds they arestudying.”(p,8). In order to have an insider's experience and point of view a good researcher should set out to explore everyday realities of these, for example, working class “lads” by immersing themselves into the culture. Entering into the field as a participant researcher, they should intend to take the perspectives of their objects of study, to see the world through their eyes, to feel what they feel, and to experience what they experience. However, they must remember the reason that they are there is too observe and record their findings.


An extremely controversial issue, globalization has been the center if much debate and has raised many questions. Some have viewed its process as beneficial, while many others argue that it produces unfavorable results and consequences. However, before the issues and concerns of globalization, it is necessary to determine or rather define globalization and all which is involved. Although a fairly new term, dating to 1980s, globalization has been a historical process evident for over the last 100 years.

Globalization specifically encompasses several aspects such as trade, capital movement, spread of knowledge, movement of people. Through use of trade and financial flow, globalization can be easily summed up as the integration of economies worldwide; furthermore, it includes international movement of technological knowledge and labor. As a result or rather in collaboration, there is a greater sense and existence of culture and politics. In the broader scope, globalization promotes effectiveness by utilizing each market and nation's specialization; nonetheless, allowing people and economies to focus on what they do best.

Globalization gives opportunity to each nation to access each others markets as well as to capital flow, technology, imports, exports, politics, and culture. However, as some countries continually reap the benefits and flourish others are falling short. With any global process there are definitely risks and consequences to follow. It is certain that globalization led to a great economical growth but it is obvious that prosperity is not equal. Already advanced countries are the ones who have benefited most by globalization; nevertheless, this is not to say slowly developing countries have not prospered as well. However, the poorest regions such as in Africa and the former Soviet ...
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