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Globalization and Intensifying Discrimination in Australia

Globalization and Intensifying Discrimination in Australia


Globalization is a process in which various countries interact with each other at global scale in order to develop global economy. The process of globalization involves technological, political, economical and cultural exchanges which are made possible through communication and transportation. In short, globalization is the process of economic integration and the transfer of economic policies across various nations. Studies have revealed that globalization has a huge impact on the economic and political life.


The framework of globalization gave a clear understanding of a wide range of trends in both the domestic and international affairs. It can be seen as a set of material developments whose causes lie in inextricably intertwined political, economic, cultural and technological processes. Moreover, globalization is used to analyze the domestic and international developments and the way they interact with each other (Acemoglu, 2002, pp. 23). Globalization has affected Australia in both negative and positive way. With the help of globalization, Australia has integrated internationally with other nations of the world. Globalization has improved the economic performance of Australia. Also with more rapid domestic economic change; globalization has also created inequality and poverty in Australia, giving rise to various problems in the society.

Assessing inequality in Australia

In the early years of the 19th century, the labor government stated that globalization is one of the major causes behind the increase in inequality in Australia. The government claims that it has taken various adequate measures, to reduce the affects of global development in Australia. After few years, the liberal national coalition government tried to modify its policies in the field of industrial relations and welfare policy. Despite of all the hurdles and difficulties, the overall momentum of the coalition policy has been an extension behind the increasing globalization in Australia (Barrett & Thomas, 2000, pp. 234)

The government of Australia further liberalized the system of industrial relations, and also transformed the tax system from direct to indirect taxation. As far as the health policy was concerned, the coalition government for waiting for the correct opportunities to reform its program. Even after great differences in emphasis, there was a new economic policy, which was the economic liberal rather than the protectionist. The labor government of Australia should devise a more detailed social policy framework in order to accompany the current policy direction. Changing government and various other factors may not result in delocalization in Australia.

For the past 20 years, there have been many debates regarding the course of policy in Australia, but there has never been a single political force that is capable of controlling the new global issues of the Australian economy.

Widening inequality in Australia

In Australia, there have many controversial debates regarding the measurement of inequality in Australia. The Australia bureau of statistics has recently revised its standards for the calculation of the household income following the adoption of the new and revised international standards. The international standards were developed in 2007-08. Therefore, all the income estimations are represented on the ...
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