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Extent Of Globalization

Extent Of Globalization


Probably the most important aspects of globalization is the economical one, in this report economic globalization will be define with the discussion of the nature and the limits of economic globalization, with the volume of trade and level of exchange between countries and the amount by which they have increased, furthermore, some more things.

Main body

Economic globalization expresses the economic activity in term of interdependence and integration between economies and economic activity; it can be defined as the process by which markets and production in different countries are becoming increasingly interdependent due to the dynamics of trade in goods and services and flows of capital and technology. In this field there have been many undeniable benefits. Globalization has eliminated many economical obstacles that made trade difficult in the past. Free trade and free markets are the crucibles of the global economy and this, even if strongly criticized by many, has an important benefit for both, producers and consumers: the reduction of costs.(Held 2003, p.92-94).

Globalization can affect our personal perception as it changes, because it include the technological development, diplomatic relation, criminal activity and military adventure, also the economic, culture and political ones. There is debate about globalization split into three different position, first one is globalist and they see it as a positive trend because of the possibility for the market to increase the economy of scale and allocate efficiency, and they claim that there are international trades and investments. They think and advocate by economic neo-liberals and condemned by neo-Marxists.( Pimentel, 2008 149)

Second position is traditionalist which advocates alternative view of the international economy and it governance because the growth of interdependency and integrated economies under the authorization of economic management. Third position is transformationalist, which are sweeping the intense of interdependence and integration by new form in patterns of (enmeshment) and (marginalization).( Pavcnik, 2005 200)

In a globalized world, discussions of the end of politics and of the suppression of power of the state by the global marketplace occupy the leading place. Giddens analyses the reasons of the existence of the state and its institutions. He suggests that meanwhile neoliberals long for a minimum state (they want "to shrink the state"), social democrats would like to broaden the competence of the state. From the Third Way view it is essential to reconstruct the state. Current structure of states and legitimacy of governments are influenced especially by the above mentioned advance of the global marketplace, retreat of the large-scale wars (passing of the bipolar era), spread of democratization and with that connected diminishing importance of tradition and custom. Many times common people in the western world as well come to conclusion that "democracy is not democratic enough.( Ollila, 2005 25)

(2) Held (2003, p.88-91).

There are some evidences that can be mention to prove the level and volume of trade and exchange across countries boundaries, for instance; in the culture phenomena, most of us admire some characters let say like Nelson Mandela or Barak Obama and we ...
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