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Denmark Globalization And The Welfare State

Executive Summary

Some identify globalization with a tendency to the spread of capitalist relations, ie the market, as a socioeconomic order against which there is a potential competitor, opening and liberalization of national economies are the two pillars that support this utopia market, favored by the breakdown of socialism. Others argue that globalization is the international development of the era of state that modern has evolved during its evolution. If this is in crises, it means that globalization has come to an end. Others see globalization as a way of rearranging the balance of power international economic and identify it with the New World Order (Arthur, Kramarz, 2010, p. 1-13). All this means nothing more than concealment of the real interest by major powers to achieve integration consistent and coherent and effective nations that make up the planet. Actually a full globalization is only homogenizing certain aspects of economic, policy, principles, habits and institutions by the international hegemonic powers (Arthur, Kramarz, 2010, p. 1-13). This paper focuses on the discussion of Denmarks's globalisation and the impact of this globalisation on Denmark, as a welfare state.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary2

Literature Review4

Education is the way8

The state is a support9

A hyper-learning system10

Crucial cooperation11


We need to globalize the answers12





Literature Review

The common values and cohesion are under pressure in an increasingly international and dynamic world. Paradoxically, globalization and the rapid development at the same time are more than ever in need for the reassurance and security that the welfare state can provide. By now it is no news that the welfare society in the future come under pressure. It was built in a period where there were many in the workforce, the women walked into the labor market and the number of elderly and retired people was low. The world was more closed and mobility between regions of the world is more limited than today (McDougall, Dan, 2007, p. 38-42). Although already taken sensible decisions about occupational pensions, demographics are not as unfavorable as in the rest of Europe, and the Danish economy is strong compared with many other European countries, as are the terms of the welfare state has changed. The tax burden is one of the highest in the world. The relatively dense public safety and the widespread public funding of care assignments, training, and health care is expensive. The welfare state pressed both on the revenue side and expenditure side (Arthur, Kramarz, 2010, p. 1-13). The mobile tax sources tend to "walk" to where taxes are lowest. Universal welfare benefits without strong requirement for prior vesting or insurance creates an immigration pressure from groups who quite naturally see an economic advantage by the Danish model. One possibility is that Denmark in the future shields themselves from most of these problems. But history's clear lesson is that closed society in the long run doing badly. The offensive strategy is to make welfare robust in relation to globalization (Arthur, Kramarz, 2010, p. 1-13).

The visions behind the universal model were the otherwise ...
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