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Globalisation Analysis

Globalisation Analysis


The word "globalization" means the phenomenon that spans the world do. For the first time was used in 1961. He later became very popular especially since the nineties, being present in all branches of activity TUD human. The principles of globalization we can look at the time of "Great migration of peoples" in the European conquests in the time of great geographical discoveries. The peoples conquered stronger more weak, imposing their language, religion, culture and customs. The system colonial connections led to strong economic, social and cultural relations between the metropolis and the colonies. The colonial elites are often established in the metropolis. The birth of the independent countries as the result of decolonization has hardly changed the existing situation. The languages ??of the colonizers was accepted in most the new countries as mandatory, although many people used language. But in multiethnic societies in the Third World this was the only solution (Ferguson, 2006).

The acceleration of globalization processes in the field of economy took place in the second half of the twentieth century, after the Second World War dial, especially to "cold war" and fall of communism. The globalization appears as a phase of restructuring of capitalism by deregulation of markets, production processes made ??possible by new technologies and the privatization of national economies. Great progress in communication, easier access to new technologies such as transformation and information transmission over the Internet, television, cellular telephony, and computers facilitated capital flows and information over the national boundaries. It happened reducing the distance between all parts of world, thanks to new possibilities for immediate transmission of information. Thus social space is created supranational, independent works pending national borders and national jurisdictions. The penetration mutual information leads to elimination of the differences existing among several countries (Crang, 2005).

Globalization and Development

The globalization of economic development is unavoidable consequence of the progress of civilization, rapid growth of world population and internationalization of technological progress. Broader natural resources lead to danger on a global scale. Propulsion forces of globalization involve the liberalization of economy, which is expressed OS on free capital flows, opening domestic markets to the flu of goods, services and capital, as well as the privatization of the subject's National cough. Technological progress and communications led to the concentration of national markets and creating a global market. The reduction of transport costs due to the telecommunications and computing has accelerated world market producers to consumers. Many domestic companies' signals are entering international markets due to economic activity mica, performed outside their national borders. Country's development depends on ability to adapt to internal and external conditions of development. The global economy appears to be an increasingly integrated system (Ferguson, 2006).

The bearers of globalization are the transnational corporations, uncontrolled by countries operating in various parts of the world. In half nineties, 60% participated in global world product in 70-80% of global trade and finance. The corporation, operating in developed countries set their subsidiaries in the Third World countries, for reasons of cheaper labor work, ...
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