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Globalization and Advertising

Globalization and Advertising


The advertising industry tends to form large transnational communities of consumers who share the same habits and the same cultural practices, from this point of view, advertising is seen as the long arm of capitalism. Globalization certainly people and cultures, but it is based on a complex process, and advertisements, when they are exported, they must be careful to conform to the values ??and behavior patterns of the different local cultures.


The functions of advertising are a form of mass communication that is used to develop and conquering markets. One of its functions is the result of the success of good products. Its main roles are: create or stimulate a desire by giving interest in products and to brands. Build a reputation, and sometimes cause the purchase. It has five essential characteristics follow (Ahn, 2011, pp. 22-39):

-Contribute to reaching large audiences.

-Be accepted, it seeks to impose (push communication) and must retain attention.

-Reduce its key messages, they must be strong and different.

-Repeat messages, give continuity campaigns and assume the multiplication contacts.

-Have budgets

2009 will be remembered as the year of the crisis, but areas such as advertising and communication are reacting to big. Now the agency prefers not to work with the political forces, although exceptions have been made ??in the last election campaigns. However, the change in the way political communication is emblematic of innovation that the communication itself is experiencing. The most cutting-edge advertising agencies try to follow the trend, but there are still many agencies who insist on keeping both digital and classic ones that perhaps entrust the management of new media professionals linked to the tradition. Reacting to the effects of globalization, which forces agencies in the province to compete with advertising around the globe, the industry has chosen to go on the offensive, including through a new website that will the talent of local artists and large companies to come test their communication solutions.

Knowing the consumer in all its facets and it consistently in order to monitor changes daily is experiencing becomes a critical task to design a successful planning. Segmentation is a problem and to achieve a better understanding of this problem, we must understand that all these changes have a direct impact on consumer attitudinal capabilities because today involves understanding segment happens to the consumer from his side attitudinal regardless of socioeconomic level (Page, 1996, pp. 45-59). It can be seen then that there is a society that has changed cascading effects product resulting from the process of globalization, the media options market potential has been exploited so fervent audience fragmentation generated these, in many different options. An explosion occurred and will continue at high speeds resulting from generating profound changes in patterns of media exposure of all consumers. Distribution channels that have accompanied this explosion completely mutating from a simple model of product marketing business virtually poly items as in the case of service station. That this has led to information overload consumers with product means ...
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