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Globalisation of Business Activities

Globalisation of Business Activities


Globalization has been a known and recurrently popular subject for debate and discussion over the passage of time. People who are involved in the development and the establishment of the necessary results and outcomes not only make way for the creation of an organizations that is strategically aligned and has the ability to sustain over a given time bracket.

Over the passage of time, companies, organizations, nations and entire blocs of countries are now investing their abilities and their capacity, to make way for not only providing for the creation and the establishment of the necessary results and outcomes that not only would promote for the creation of a synergetic business community, but that they are able to provide for and create the necessary results and outcomes (Bliss, 2005, p.7).

The removal of trade barriers has contributed to the growth of transnational corporations (TNC's) companies that conduct business around the world, often by opening divisions in more than one country. TNCs must operate under the trade rules of each country in which they do business.

In many cases, TNCs have a great deal of influence in a country because of the dominant role they play in the nation's economy, particularly in important industries such as oil production or agriculture. About 90 percent of TNCs have their headquarters in a few wealthy industrial nations mainly in the United States, Japan, and Europe that often work hard to advance the TNCs' interests (Bordo, 2003, pp.1).

Definitions of Globalization

There are many perspectives of globalization. Many theorists have defined this concept with various different variables. From social science to particular science everybody has defined globalization with entirely different ways. In order to understand the crust of globalization and what lies in it, it can be easily summarized into two words: international integration. This is because irrespective and regardless of the changes and the challenges that have been felt and experienced over the passage of time, it becomes evident that people from different parts of the world are now investing their energies and their competencies in order to develop boundaryless organizations and striving to achieve excellence.

There are multiple aspects that have been identified under globalization. This is because amongst the most difficult degrees and the challenges that have been placed over the passage of time, it not influences the ways in which businesses operate over the passage of time, but that directly mirrors its effects onto the cultures, the people and the overall society where people with similar interests tend to live in (Fischer, 2001, p.3).

Having that said, globalization has largely and substantially changed the course of how things make way for progress on routine patterns. People that were once living in large households have now disintegrated into smaller, limited nests and that the focus and approach towards development and growth has gone down towards the development and the establishment of issues and problems has become rather short-term.

Through the advent of globalization, it has become much easier for people to ...
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