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Globalisation and International Institutions

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Globalisation in Oman3

PEST Analysis of Globalisation in Oman3





Adverse Effects of Globalisation Overall8



Globalisation and International Institutions


Globalisation is a term that is often debated in a number of ways and in a number of domains, from politics, to business and even societies it is revealing its immense effects. It seems that, Globalisation is inevitable; it is just a matter of accepting and negating the fact. Internet has made the world a global village, with cultural diffusions and uniformity very common effects. The Arab world has been one of the most resistant cultures and societies in the world against westernization or Americanisation. However, now in the form of globalisation it is defusing into these isolated cultures, it is now debated that globalisation is after all not wholly beneficial. This paper critically discusses the process of globalisation in the Sultanate of Oman which is one of the most advanced and developed countries in the Middle East. The paper will put lime light on the Political, Economic, Social and Cultural (PEST) aspect of the globalisation with respect to Oman.


Globalisation is a 'term' used in literature, academics and media increasingly (Mundy, 2005; 5-9). Some take this term in a negative way, while others think of it in positive way. The globalisation is often thought of as a tool for homogenising countries cultures (Green, 2002: 612). Some even think of globalisation as Americanisation or westernisation. According to Scolte, some people associate the globalisation with pace, prosperity and progress, while others world has conjured up deprivation, doom and disaster (Dakopoulou, 2009: 87). Globalisation has effects on economy, politics, social and cultural aspects in many ways is beyond doubt and argument. The view of Stromquist and Monkman (2000: 8), Globalisation has brought drastic changes in all areas of social life including cultural and economic.

This view of international affairs affecting the local matters is not a new discovery, for many years it has been discussed and agreed upon fact, as per Giddens (1990: 64) the social relation in a globalised world will be so much intense that, local happenings will be shaped by events far away. The shortening of distances in terms of communication and effects of cultures on each other are fairly visible. Globalisation can simply refer to a process in which movement of people, technologies, images, ideas resources (money, capital, and trade) is fairly possible in an increasingly easy way (Appadurai 1996: n.d.).


Before proceeding towards the discussion of Globalisation and is impact in Oman in terms of political, economic, social, and technological ways, it is imperative to think of Oman as a country. The official full name of Oman is “Sultanate of Oman”. Located in the south coast of Arabian Peninsula is considered of the most important countries of Middle East. The country borders with Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Sultanate of Oman can be considered an absolute monarch due to absolute monarchy. However, its parliament has some oversight and legislative powers. The Oman was listed in the list as ...
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