Global Warming: Fact Or Fiction

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Global Warming: Fact or Fiction

Global Warming: Fact or Fiction


The phrase global warming refers to a phenomenon in which the Earth's surface temperature increases from its long-term averages generally because of an atmospheric blanket of greenhouse gases (GHGs; primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and chlorofluorocarbons) that serve to trap reradiated solar energy from escaping into space. This blanket of greenhouse gases is responsible for providing Earth a generally temperate, stable, and life-sustaining climate. In common parlance, global warming is often used interchangeably with climate change. In the present context, though, it is used in a more limited sense as a driver of global climate change.

These greenhouse gases primarily include: water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide; CO2 being the major greenhouse gas that has been increasing in large amounts over the years. Some scientists believe that human contributions on Earth are the main cause of the growing presence of these gases in the atmosphere while others will argue that these greenhouse gases take part of merely another function that is necessary to our survival and has little to do with the fact that the Earth's temperatures are on the rise. The foundation of the argument linking greenhouse gases and why they're to blame comes from many facts that are mainly based on percentages of carbon dioxide emissions that are being released into the atmosphere from the sources that are human-related. Deforestation of vast areas of forest also releases large numbers of carbon. If global warming is to be slowed, the world must not only stop cutting and burning large forests, but replace the many millions of acres that have been destroyed." (Bernstein, 2007)

Most skeptics of Global Warming have said and will say again, “The earth has taken care of itself for millions of years. It goes through cycles from time to time. It doesn't matter what humans do, Mother Nature is stronger than us all.” Although these opinions have some truth and relevance in the argument against the reality of Global Warming and its effects on the planet, it also seems incredibly short sighted to not explore the emerging data that has continued to grow in recent years supporting the idea that humans do indeed have an effect on how the planet and her inhabitants will continue to live and grow in the years to come (Alley, 2007).

With advances in technology measuring these effects more accurately and faster than ever before, it is no longer an option to live lazily with blinders on, allowing the past million years to dictate the opinions of what is happening at this very moment. The world is changing and Mother Nature is having plenty of help from the human race. It's time for eyes to be opened. Just look around (Church and Neil, 2006).


United Nations have concluded that a strong relationship exists between human activity and observed temperature increases. The planet is warming because of us and the greenhouse gases we produce. In 2002, the United States released about 40% of all our carbon emissions ...
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