Global Warming

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Effects of Global Warming

Formal Outline

Effects of Global Warming

Thesis Statement



Effects of Global Warming on Animal

Loss of Habitat and Food

Migration, Hibernation and Breeding

Effects of Global Warming on Human

Ways to Control Global Warming


Effect of Global Warming

Thesis Statement

“Stopping Global warming is the duty of a common man.”


The term “Global Warming” denotes a phenomenon in which the temperature of surface of the earth increases from its long term averages in general, due to reason that an atmospheric blanket of greenhouse gases that serve to trap reradiated solar energy that escape into space. This blanket of greenhouse gases provides earth a generally temperate, stable and life-sustaining climate. In common jargon, Global warming is most of the time used as substitute with climate change (Hurst, Kent, 2010).


Effect on Animals

Animal are important to sustain the life circle and the chain of food. It is not only animal, the aquatic life, insects and reptiles are all interdependent on each other and on humans and plants, as well (Purdy, 2004).

Loss of Food and Habitat

When forest are cut to develop land for commercial and domestic constructions, the animals have to adapt themselves to live in shrinking places, where everything is not sufficient for them, like water, food, hunting and breeding ground. On the other hand, Loss of habitat also makes vulnerable situations for animals.

Since global warming has resulted in Climate change, several deserts like the Sahara are not able to maintain their animal population. Loss of habitat is most prominently visible in the arctic, where the glaciers are melting because of global warming (Dillow, 2008).

Migration, Hibernation and Breeding

Studies have shown unhealthy patterns of hibernation, breeding and migration in animals. Several animals and birds travel long distances to warmer climates, for the breeding purposes. Destruction of the migratory routes and their habitat has made them change their routes or not migrate. ...
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