Global Warming

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Global Warming

What is Global Warming?

Global warming refers to an increase in temperature in the troposphere, which then causes of climate change. Natural changes, human activities, or both can lead to such warming. Global climate change is a broader word which refers to changes in the Earth's climate, including temperature, precipitation and storm intensity and models (Collinge, p. 58).

Most of the world's climate experts say global warming is occurring, that human activity is a key element in raising the temperature, and that human activity is ultimately an increase in warming during this century. However, the difficulty for these scientists to understand climate change is extremely difficult due to lack of technology, and experimentation. In turn, that separates these two groups of scientists (Brassch, 47).

One group consists of several leading scientists who do not believe that the human race do not know much about climate change, to suggest that global warming is real. They claim that their studies and models have too many contradictions and gaps in information. Another group scientist's-most of them are not experts on climate research is largely based on coal, oil, automotive and utility industries, which have an interest in not having said carbon dioxide as a pollutant. The main purpose of these industries is to delay actions that have questioned the validity of a study conducted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and other objects of climate research. These attempts to challenge S worked in their favored because they helped to delay serious action on global warming (Brassch, p. 53).

Earth's climate is strongly dependent on the sun. Without solar energy, the Earth would cool the planet that will not be able to support any life. The greenhouse effect is a natural process that also affects the Earth's climate. The greenhouse effect warms the lower troposphere and the Earth's surface due to the existence of gases called greenhouse gases. These gases are water vapor, nitrous oxide, methane, most know, carbon dioxide. Oceans are the main source, which cover most of the planet, affect climate by storing carbon dioxide and heat, evaporate and receiving water as part of the hydrological cycle, and the transfer of heat through currents. The natural cooling process occurs at the surface of the Earth. Evaporation of surface water absorbs heat. As the water steaming, it condenses into water droplets in clouds and release of stored heat above the troposphere. It is a mixture of hot and cold to produce surface temperature, which is about fifteen degrees Celsius (Natural Resources Defense Council, p. 128).

It is about time that all the denial comes through. We can no longer describe the theory of global warming, or on experiments that help us understand what might happen. We're talking about what is happening around us today, on a global scale with unprecedented speed. We're talking about global warming. Its effects are becoming more visible.

What are the Causes of Global Warming?

One of the unknown causes of global warming is to influence the distribution of clouds on the temperature of the ...
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