Global Trade And Ethics, Csr And Marketing

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Global Trade and Ethics, CSR and Marketing

Global Trade and Ethics, CSR and Marketing

Global Trade, Ethics, CSR and Marketing


An international financial crisis, surging unemployment and protectionism were the ingredients that fuelled the catastrophe of the 1930s. We now have an international financial crisis that will not go away tomorrow, unemployment is rising and protectionism is rearing its very ugly head. But there is still time to act. In the past couple of decades, many business leaders have been effusive about the benefits of globalization, it's time for them to stand up and be counted.

In the 1930s it was unemployment, emulating the incredible collision and trade wars that gave ascent to fanatic political developments, prejudice and, in the end, war. The social security, riches and demographics of the west make it doubtful that a 1930s situation will be rehashed.

To the extent that I view myself as a realist on matters identified with the global economy, I never might have accepted that in my lifetime I might be seeing anything remotely looking like the 1930s (Basu, pp. 58, 2008). I completed unchangingly protest with those who, in the blasting past couple of decades, might guarantee "globalization was irreversible". Garbage, globalization has been over and again switched all through history (Basu, pp. 60, 2008). At the same time I never wanted it might go truly thus far.

Thousands of international brand are operating all across the globe, and with the advent of the Internet the globalization has taken the fast trek. Internet has provided ease for various businesses, which do not have enough financial assets to go global, to taste the essence of globalization (Appadurai, pp. 109, 2001). Corporations like Nestle, Starbucks and Kraft foods are operating in almost every region of this world; from Asian to America and Europe to Africa and Oceania. However, in the global expansion various businesses sometimes forget their ethical limitations, or limitations of the regions in which they are operating.

Globalization has initiated the notion of global marketing, and which most international brands are practicing. This paper will elucidate upon the notion of global marketing and its interrelation with the globalization (Basu, pp. 58, 2008). Despite of it, it is also put under consideration that how ethical marketing and corporate social responsibilities apply over this phenomenon.

Global Trade in 20th Century

The global trade has collapsed in the beginning of 20th century because the consecutive world war happened and the increasing amount of protectionism policies. It resulted in the decline of global trade growth which lowers than the world production rates (Appadurai, pp. 112, 2001). One example of protectionism policy can be seen on the Melina tariff in 1892 devoted by the French. The tariff aim is to respond the competition of the new countries by using tax policies on agricultural food with average increase of 24% (Aman, pp. 373, 2002). The fact is all the countries at that time establish a trade barrier with the average tariff barriers established to 27% for Russia, 20% for the United States, 11% for France and ...
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