Global Strategy Assignment

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Global Strategy Assignment


Global Strategy Assignment - In order to successfully launch an ABC Cola


A company's strategic guide to globalization in terms of business is known as Global Strategy. In order to launch a successful product, an organization should focus on making a sound global strategy in this regard. The following paper discusses a global strategy for ABC Cola.


The Global Strategy

The global strategy should comprise questions like 1) what must be (against what is) the length of market existence in the major markets of the globe? 2) What must be the techniques to develop needed global existence? 3) What are the most advantageous locations around the globe for the activities of assorted value chains? 4) What are the methods to run the business successfully in the competitive environment of globe? However, it has been observed that the culture plays a vital role in each and every one of us thought process in terms of connecting with each other along with establishing the patterns of behaviors in order to build trust (Hall, n.d). Cultural considerations also play an imperative role in the choices we made in order to buy a product or any service and how we interact while making a choice.

As technology has made this globe a small place to live and to interact in an advanced quick way and has enabled everyone to connect in a better manner but at the same time with a less understanding. Another fact is also there that the entire world is just a key knock or a phone call away. This phrase gives us an understanding that everyone is just like us; that if a product received success in one expanse or between one targeted markets segment then it will receive the benefit from the same success in the remaining ones as well or the definition of a good customer can be taken in the same way by everyone (Hall, n.d). Likewise, cross cultural issues are on the same side effects the global markets as well as the domestic ones. Most specifically in United States the country shares a homogenous culture but the marketers should not assume that the people would behave in a same manner even after knowing the fact that they belongs to a different background by just believing on the verity that they allocate a common citizenship.

Whereas on the same side go global act local demonstrates town planning, environmental scan, education level, economic stability along with the nature of business of while planning to enter in a global market. Therefore in order to make abundant modifications in terms of “go global - act local” statements in order to make a successful launch of Cola, several strategies are stated below:

Before entering in to an international market, the marketers should identify the customer's likes and dislikes of the targeted market segment at their cultural and local level. For example, as KFC did while entering into Chinese market they evaluate the customers taste and besides serving their core product they focus on serving ...
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