Global Society

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Global Society

Global Society


Globalization has turned the world into one platform by connecting the world through internet based technologies. Worldwide and international connection on one hand is bringing the people together but on other hand is undermining the geographical boundary differences. Virtual interaction of people has made them connect beyond geographical boundaries. People are becoming more oriented towards integrating virtual components in their lives. Virtual online and offline identities of people have overlap, and erasing prior boundaries in cultural, social, political, and economic domains (Smith, 2002, pp.90-106).


Propagation of internet and augmentation of World Wide Web has remarked the communication medium of person in every corner of the world. Major social communication that now takes place is due to digital technology that has expanded the communication to a new level. Country boundaries are only a physical terminology. In digital world, boundaries exist to the extent of person's reach. Cultural practices, lifestyle, ideology of believes have become blurred across many domains from person's personal life to professional lives challenging the concept of local boundaries. Increased global communication along with its benefits has given birth to severe threats too. Cyber crimes, online privacy, international laws violation, social misleads etc. are some of the major issues that have arise due to global outreach through digital medium. It is necessary to address the disputes and make people aware of the potential vulnerability that global societies with international connections have created. People are being victimized of cyber crimes, and disputes are being exaggerated at international level by vague identity channels. It mainly occurred due to turning the world into a single place irrespective of geographic limits. People in orientation to being socialize are ignoring the interpersonal disputes and differences between countries at political/government level. Therefore, the concept is fostering pressure on authorities to address the potential hazards and global threats by initiating public safety concerns approach. Processes need to be normalized to improve international coordination while minimizing the impact of global threats for public safety (Schaeffer, 1997, pp.202-221).

Economic globalization is the process during which businesses rapidly expand their markets to include global clients (Mander, 1996, pp.122-135). Such expansion is possible in part because technological breakthroughs throughout the 20th century rendered global communication easier. Air travel and email networks mean it is possible to manage a business from a remote location. Now that businesses often have the option of going global, they assess a range of considerations before beginning such expansion (Robertson, 1992, pp.67-74).

The phenomenon of globalization begins to take shape in our century, after World War II, takes place in the 80's and reaches its paradigm in the 90's (Hannerz, 1996, pp.137-143).. The basis of this process is clearly technology and has appeared in the last thirty years through an unprecedented revolution in global communications, accelerating information exchange between people from different latitudes. This ease of exchange has begun to blur the boundaries, allowing rapid and indiscriminate diffusion of cultural traits from the dominant countries to the rest of the world and inserting values ??alien to the particular realities (Christopher, 1998, ...
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