Global Marketing

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Market Analysis: Apple

Market Analysis: Apple


Marketing is the field of business that has continuously grown and expanded over the last few decades and today it has evolved as a core component of business rather than a segment. Today, businessmen believe that their business is incomplete without proper and efficient marketing. Marketing involves the identification of potential markets for a business and the entire procedure of capturing those markets and successfully selling a product or service to that market. Today, businessmen take marketing as a science rather than a subject or a segment of business.

A Global Company: Apple

One of the topmost companies of the world, Apple is the creation of late Mr. Steve Jobs, one of the most influential men the world has ever seen and also one of the smartest. Steve Jobs created Apple from an idea that was discarded by most and took the company to new heights with its innovation and creativity. Today, Apple stands as one of the most successful business models and organizations of the world. Its stocks and shares are among the highest valued in the entire world, making it one of the world's blue chip countries. With the release and boom of the iPhone, Apple found itself soaring to new heights and opening doors of new opportunities and possibilities for the users. The biggest userbase of Apple is teenagers and young adults. Products by Apple, including the iPod, iPad and the Macintosh computer/laptop series, have made loyal fans around the world who would not switch to any other brand under any circumstance.

Country: India

For this paper, we chose the country of India. Founded in the year 1947 on the 15th of August, India is one of the most culturally rich and potent countries of the world. Among the Eastern countries, it is one of the most populous countries with educated people and people who are technologically literate. Therefore, at a simple glance, India looks like a land of opportunity for a company like Apple. However, there are a lot of things to consider which shall be studied further on in this paper.

The products manufactured by Apple appeal to customers all around the world. The company makes unique products for its customers and hence, retains the loyalty of the customers. However, India is a country of the East with its own customer mindset and most importantly, a much diversified culture. It is this culture of the country that might render the global strategies of Apple useless in these areas and the company might need to retrace its steps if it wishes to survive in the country.


To commence with this paper, there are certain assumptions that one must take. These assumptions would help us apply the concepts of marketing to the created scenario by leaving out some of the existing trends or practices. The assumptions are:

The expansion has been unsolicited and unplanned so far

Indian youth prefers products that are tailored to meet their culture and mindsets

Apple has not yet started major operations in India

Apple's products are not among ...
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