Global Impact Of Hurricane Sandy

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Global Impact of Hurricane Sandy

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Global Impact of Hurricane Sandy


The Sandy Hurricane was one of the most destructive and deadliest tropical cyclone that hit different countries in the year of 2012 during hurricane season of Atlantic. Sandy hurricane was among the top two most costly storms that had hit United States of America throughout its history. This hurricane due to its intensity measured with the landfills in Cuba has made Sandy the category 3 storm. Sandy during 2012 was the second main hurricane of 2012 and was the tenth hurricane, which was classified as the 18th named storm. Sandy was initially considered a storm of Category 2 off the Northeastern coast of the US; it became largest Atlantic Hurricane that has ever been recorded due to diameter with spanning of winds at around 1800 KM or 1100 miles. The hurricane has damaged the property and other assets of around $75 billion dollars in accordance with the preliminary assessment; however, Hurricane Katrina was the only other hurricane which damaged more assets than Sandy. Approximately, 285 people were killed on the pathway of storm to seven countries. In fact, after witnessing the damages caused by the storm US media and the government named it as “Superstorm Sandy”. Sandy developed from a tropical wave in the western Caribbean Sea on October 22, quickly strengthened, and was upgraded to Tropical Storm Sandy six hours later. Sandy moved slowly northward toward the Greater Antilles and gradually intensified. This paper in relation to the Hurricane Sandy will discuss its global impacts.


Hurricane Sandy was one of the most deadly storms the world has ever witnessed. Moreover, as it appears in Atlantic region and affected the world's most powerful economy, minor disturbance in economic and social activity is observed. Moreover, there are number of news reports and few research papers can be found exploring it economic impact, but hardly any one focused on the sociological effects of the Hurricane on global scale. In this context, this research will attempt to examine how it affects the families of the victims, left thousands of people homeless and jobless and develop both physical and mental stress on people.


The sociological importance of the topic has been defined in the rationale for the subject. As identified earlier, this research will be focusing on effects of Sandy on people who have lost their beloved in this super-storm. Moreover, the study will also examine other social aspects like mental stress the consequences of stress inflicted among affected people, as they lost their homes and jobs.


Hurricane Sandy not only left over 285 people dead while damaging the assets of $75 billion dollars. Moreover, internet connectivity in different countries on the pathway of Hurricane Sandy was damaged. Moreover, telecom network was also affected leaving people disconnected to their loved ones. All these factors have caused stress and anxiety among other mental health problems in the affected people.


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