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Global Human Resource Management

Global Human Resource Management


Before embarking on the discourse about reward management, it is important to contextualize in the field of management as a whole. Management can be defined as the act of organizing people in order to achieve the desired goals and objectives and predetermined by an organization or individual (Chiang, 2007, n.d). They are planning, organizing, staffing, and a myriad of other activities carried out by a group of people in order to achieve a certain goal that has been predetermined (Goddard, 2009, pp.295-316).

Managing reward for this part refers to the establishment, maintenance and development of a system that has at its core aim of rewarding the work done by the employees within an organization or business enterprise (Nopo, 2012 pp. 464-513). In a broader context, reward management is responsible for formulating and implementing strategies and other policies that aim to reward employees of the organization. To this end, the reward is intended to be fair, equitable and consistent account of the value of the individual employee to the organization that is in question. In short, employees who are valuable to the organization are highly compensated than those whose value is considered low (Harzing, 1995, n.d).

In one of the many definitions of a reward system, it was emphasized that the system of rewarding employees is a formal and informal mechanisms by which they are defined, evaluates and rewards the achievements of workers (Chiang , 2005, n.d). It is this definition in a concise but comprehensive remuneration which reflects the relationship to performance. The three elements in it are; defining, assessing and rewarding employee achievements, the most important of the triangle is; the work, the effects of worker (Hofstede, 1980a). This study is the analysis of reward practices in various countries and elaborates the discrimination that has been the part of this reward system. However, the system of international reward management is also explained which give emphasis over the employee motivation technique with in reward program of organization (Perkins, 201, n.d).


Rewarding the organization can influence the attitudes, behavior and motivation. Of particular importance seems to influence the behavior of workers hired will be willing to make the extra effort if he knows that his achievements will be measured, evaluated and rewarded accordingly (Armstrong, 2005; 2008, n.d). This effort will grow, if at the same time will be outpaced by level to meet the individual needs of employees, this has just must mobilize to gain more and more individual and collaborative involvement of all employees (Yang, 2012, pp. 13: 53).

So the remuneration of workers has a huge impact on the effectiveness, if, in one form or in another, the increase in the level of reward. And here lies the cause of failure of many, even well-designed and well-functioning, reward systems if in the long term will not bring them that'' growth to meet the individual needs of employees'', their impact on the efficiency of employees will be less, and eventually it will be minimal (Hofstede, ...
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