Global Environmental Governance: Progress And Issues

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Global Environmental Governance: Progress and Issues

Global Environmental Governance: Progress and Issues


Over the past few years, a number of Global environmental governance goals have been adopted and put into practice. The progress towards the achievement of these goals in very uneven and globally shows a decline. To understand the progress we first need to identify and have an understanding about what global environmental goals already exist. A set of 300 global environmental goals has been set by UNEP. Achievement towards some goals is not very progressive, and for some there is no or very little progress reported.


Ozone Layer

All over the world the use of products which causes depletion of the ozone layer has been eliminated. Montreal Protocol was signed working on the means to establish the facts for full recovery of Ozone layer. Further depletion of Ozone Layer will cause increased chances of skin cancer, cataracts and impaired immune system in the human race. The high intensity ultra violet rays from the sun will cause potential damage to crops. To protect Ozone layer we need to eliminate the use of chemicals which contain Chlorofluorocarbons and farming fungicides.

Climate Change

The concentration of greenhouses gases in the atmosphere continues to increase, and they will more likely push the temperature increase of more than 2 degree Celsius. This increase in temperature poses strong dangers to the human health as well as economy. The impact of this increase in temperature causing global warming is a major of concern. The ecosystem is disturbed by a decrease in the level of snow, rise in sea levels and meteorological affects producing global warming and affecting the ecosystem. Kyoto Protocol agreement signed with the goal to overcome this increase in climate change. The main concern to overcome was reducing the sources of pollution particularly emitting CO2 (JMA, 2011, p. 5).

Water Management

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