Global Employment Market/India Compared To The United States

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Global Employment Market/India compared to the United States

Executive Summary

The paper analyzes the Global Employment Market of India in comparison to the United States. The impact of financial crisis on labor market is usually analyzed through the lens of unemployment which surged from less than six percent to over eight percent of the labor force since 2008, bringing the total number of unemployed to over 200 million. There are currently more than a dozen unions in India, with approximately 50 000 registered trade unions. Thus, the labor market is relatively open in the United States and some sectors with strong potential, particularly in specialized areas such as well information technology, new technology, engineering, cooking or hairdressing.

Global Employment Market/India compared to the United States


World labor market formed the export and import of labor. This is an increasing number of countries attracting foreign labor or send migrants abroad. Dimensions of international labor migration have been steadily growing. A new development has been the gradual blurring the distinction between host countries, and supplying labor. In modern conditions, more and more countries are in the process of emigration and immigration at the same time the population. For example, Italy, Spain, Greece, Poland, which had recently been to the countries of emigration, has recently started to take migrant workers (Aigner & Cain, 1977).

Economic growth in these countries has led to the creation of many new jobs, respectively to a certain decrease in unemployment. Being of the population significantly reduced the attractiveness of heavy, not prestigious work for local workers, resulting in the labor market in these countries niche rushed immigrants. In international migration in recent years there have been qualitative changes caused by STD, their essence is a significant increase in the proportion of migrants among those with high levels of education and vocational training ("brain drain").

The impacts of migration on the labor importing countries are generally positive. Countries receiving foreign labor, use it as an important factor of production, especially the industries are not sufficiently attractive to local workers. Immigrants in many countries are engaged in hard, hazardous, low-paying jobs, which are not contenders among the local population. In Western Europe, the share of foreigners in such industries is very high, and sometimes up to 70% of the labor force. The influx of foreign workers allowed developed countries to move the national labor force in high-tech industry without prejudice to the work of the sectors where local employees go. Immigrant workers in most host countries are considered as a specific shock in times of deteriorating economic conditions the foreigners lose their jobs first.

Discussion and analysis

Twenty years ago, the living standards of India and US were similar, but now the average is close to US average doubling India are examples illiteracy rate, which is three times higher in India than in United States, and the Indian infant mortality rate, which doubles the US. US per capita income doubles India (890 and 450 dollars res year, respectively), and the data on the percentages of ...
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