Global Citizenship Education

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How far can Global Citizenship Education help to Unite Different Cultures?

How far can Global Citizenship Education help to Unite Different Cultures?


Education is a global process of society and as such, a basic tool for creating and regeneration of culture. And it's the latter, culture, way of thinking and operating, allowing the people actively and critically we place ourselves in the world we live in it and build our human extent. A measure that should be equal for everyone through a form of social organization calls democracy. But not a democracy either but a participatory democracy is also devoted to making the world the best possible through respect and exercise of human rights peace (Aris 2007 pp. 10).


In today's world everything is globalization, in particular the market and communicating with severe risks for participatory politics, economies and local cultures. The development model of globalization, unfair and unsustainable, is fostering a process of concentration of capital that, in obedience to the logic of the market and the neoliberal model (based individualism, the insecurity, competitiveness) is generating a huge increase in poverty and social exclusion, and an increase in forced migration (Aris 2007 pp. 10). One cannot, thus, regardless or delay the implementation of sustainability strategies, not subservient to the logic of the market, success in eradicating poverty and ensuring equal opportunities to all people. We are however aware that there is a unique interpretation of globalization and it is therefore necessary to be able to discern between a plurality of points view, some of which also show the enormous potential of global processes in key participation, solidarity and joint action (Babcock 1994 pp. 12).

Citizenship education is one of the most important challenges in the educational contemporary age. Aim of this paper is to help to investigate this issue in the specific context of contemporary society, by now culturally diversified as a result of presence of people with different cultures. Through a historical journey in the civic education and pedagogical A Few important considerations about citizenship and intercultural pedagogy, we will try to highlight the many possibilities That the new subject 'Citizenship and Constitution' making offers for the schooling blackberries experience ever open to otherness and responding to the need of training the 'New Citizens (Blattberg 2012 pp. 15).

The Culture of Peace is an attempt-long woven throughout history, through whose strings have been formed, in part, a way of organizing the world, based on the sacred right to live together- defined as the set of values, attitudes, traditions, behaviors and lifestyles inspire a constructive and creative way of relating to achieve-from a holistic and imperfect peace. Coexist in peace is a human right recognized by the legal body that supports democracy and represents a major challenge for humanity (Boli2000 pp. 10).

The concept of citizenship in the field of social sciences, causes inevitable and endless concerning disputes and other concepts such as civil, political and social, the concept social justice, the principle of legality or the obligations of ...
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