Glo- Bus Reflective Analysis

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Glo- Bus reflective analysis

Executive Summary

The main purpose of this report is to produce a reflective analysis on the online business simulation called “Glo-Bus”. Having worked on it for several months I am now able to reflect on the actions and decision makings we have done. The outline of this report is describing some key critical incidents our team had and by using the relevant academic theories I will elaborate on the consequences of these incidents.

Glo- Bus Analysis


“Reflective practice a set of abilities and skills, to indicate the taking of a critical stance, an orientation to problem solving or state of mind” (Moon, 1999). Reflection is one of the key aspects of learning, and the aim of this report is to produce a document on the learning experiences and knowledge gained throughout the online business simulation of Glo-Bus. Throughout the work our group faced three main critical incidents in which members had to act quickly and most importantly had to make correct decisions to resolve a problem or to take advantage of a successful action. This report provides opportunity to review the experience our group had, learning from them and applying what we had learnt in future.

Key Theories

David Kolb's work on experiential learning had a great significance on expanding the Philosophy of experiential education. At the beginning of our journey we made decisions using this theory in order to get grasp of what we are doing. "For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them" (Aristotle). Following this Schön has a similar view, with both of his theories “reflection-in-action” and “reflection-on-action”. “Reflection-in-action” allowed our group to reshape the outcomes set, and is not “trial-and-error” method, but instead our actions are more thought out and purposeful. “Reflection-in-action” looks at the whole picture at the end in which we evaluate our own process. Other theories include Dewey's reflective thinking is when people recognize that some problems cannot be solved with certainty, and his four criteria of reflective thinking.

Critical Incident Technique

During the group work we faced three critical incidents

Critical Incident 1:

From the first group meeting we had and almost until the end, my personal view was that we did not have a very good group leader, which is a must have thing in a task like this. Without having good leadership one cannot excel in this game of simulation.

Consequences of this incident

Once I became the part of this team I had no awareness of all the minimal level working issue and practices that are needed to be catered before. Since now I have got long time experience of working in this game, I have realised that lack of appropriate leadership is the major criteria for my teams low ranking. While analysing the situations that we need to cope up with, I realised that our leader is lacking the core abilities of leadership. Without having the leadership surveillance, my team has got the leverage of adapting slow ...