Giovanni's Room By James Baldwin

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Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin


Literature through centuries has been able to help point out some of the most controversial aspects of any society. These include racial discrimination, child labor and many such injustices and grievances. However, what is important to note is that there are several issues which if discussed can result in great controversies and issues. The issues of these natures include freedom to choose one's sexual orientation and more particularly homosexuality. There have been many writers in the past who have highlighted the issue through their writings. However, James Baldwin and his novel “Giovanni's Room” hold an important position in this regard.


Topic Issue

The theme of this book highlights of the general perception of “Homosexuality” in the societies in the 1950's. The novel also discusses the various physical, psychological and social challenges that the homosexuals have always faced. The novel discusses of how the homosexuals always had to struggle to get the acceptance in the society (DeGout, pp.430).

My Position

In my opinion, the novel highlights a very important issue that has always reside in the society, however was too controversial and sensitive to be touched and discussed. With no doubt, the homosexuals always had to struggle to get the acceptance in the society. This is perhaps one of the reasons why either many of the homosexuals attempts to hide this very fundamental aspect of their personalities or the fear makes them lead their whole lives in the confusion regarding their sexual orientation. These two aspects are also predominantly discussed and reflected in the novel (Miller, pp.58). In fact, in my opinion, this is the reason Baldwin has made curious association between a man's obsession with the concept of “ideal masculinity” and the ways and manner through which homosexuality can threaten it.

Summary of the Book

Published in the year 1956, this ...