A gifted child is one who consistently demonstrates a remarkable performance in any line of development. There are many cases of talented and gifted children, the main reason to discern is that different and varying degrees of talent. When a child has to be provided, one might think in general and for practical purposes that a superior ability interacts with facts, ideas, relationships, creativity and different features that are not handled in the IQ (Intelligence Quotient). One can refer to these as special skills in more specific talent areas, such as social, physical, artistic, musical, linguistic and academic.
Admitting that intelligence is superior, it is only a determining success factor selection and identification, knowledge and study of the characteristics of these skills is the basic ingredient to follow in order to qualify for a gifted child. Space is the most common place to find a factor and consider whether a child is gifted and talented usually when our attention is their intellectual, creative, artistic, physical, leadership and superior visual feature. A gifted child is one who consistently demonstrates a remarkable performance in any line of development. There are many cases of talented and gifted children, the main reason to discern is that different and varying degrees of talent. When a child has to be provided, one might think, in general and for practical purposes that a superior ability interacts with facts, ideas, relationships, creativity and different features that are not handled in the IQ (Berman, 2012, p. 20).
One can refer to these as special skills in more specific talent areas, such as social, physical, artistic, musical, linguistic and academic. Admitting that intelligence is superior, it is only a determining success factor selection and identification, knowledge and study of the characteristics of these skills is the basic ingredient to follow in order to qualify for a gifted child. For hereditary predispositions to behave in certain ways temperament and acquired behavioural styles personality characteristics and attitudes also contribute significantly to support and stimulate or conversely, reduce and even block the development of talent (Weinfeld,, 2002, p. 230).
In every society and in every age, observers have noted that some children seemed to learn faster, remember more, and solve problems more efficiently than others. In current terminology those children were called gifted (Vialle, 2012). While there are a variety of terms that different societies use to name: genie, gifted and bright etc. In Latin American countries there is a rejection of both children/as, adolescents and their parents, to label the individual as “super” gifted. This terminology automatically generates a sense of isolation or extreme difference with the other children. Echoing this rejection, in Argentina the terms used at this time are the terms: talented and gifted. The term gifted is used to define who demonstrates a high general intellectual ability far above the average of their age group and the term gifted to define who reaches a high skill in a specific academic or artistic area, ...