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Critical incident analysis using a scenario from practice experience


In this assignment, I will demonstrate that I have achieved all the module learning outcomes. I will highlight my learning and development which I gained through this experience. I will reflect upon this incident and how it made me more effective in my practice. I will discuss my opinion, thinking and approach the incident that occurred. To show how this incident developed and what I learned, I will use GIBBS reflective model (1998) to structure the essay.

Clarke (1994) says that palliative care is the care delivered in an active global approach to the person with an illness severe, progressive or terminal. The goal of palliative care is to relieve pain and other physical symptoms, but also to take into account the suffering psychological, social and spiritual. Palliative care and support are interdisciplinary. They address the patient as person, family and loved ones at home or in institutions. Training and support caregivers and volunteers are part of this process.

James (1994) states the Cancer Plan should be extended to patients with advanced nonmalignant chronic diseases, most elderly patients with multiple diseases and severe disabilities in the often difficult to define the SET, so it is important to know that forecasting severe functional disability of the disease information on decision making.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is prevalent in patients receiving dialysis therapies. It represents the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with end-stage renal disease. It affects long-term Hemodialysis outcomes. It is essential to evaluate the extent of all aspects of CVD in dialysis patients. In those patients with limited life expectancy due to severe non-cardiac Co morbidity, evaluation and therapy should be individualized. Risk factors for CVD in patients with ESRD can be divided into those specific to ESRD and those that are nonspecific to kidney disease but are more prevalent. Many traditional risk factors for CVD (diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, age, male, gender, physical inactivity) are becoming quite high. Patients with ESRD also have additional risk factors such as anemia, hyperparathyroidism, oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, hypoalbuminemia, prothrombin factors. Hemodialysis treatment itself may also contribute to CVD.

A series of indicators can help define the set in patients with advanced nonmalignant diseases: prognostic factors (better prediction models) of mortality of the underlying disease, inter-current diseases, and functional status. Disease progression is defined by functional decline, frequent hospitalizations, medical complications, co morbidity, cognitive, nutritional deterioration and living will or other evidence about the care you want or the patient has expressed to the end of his life.

Atkins (1993) have described that the cardinal symptoms of CHF include shortness of breath (dyspnea), cough, swelling of the feet and ankles (peripheral edema), and chronic fatigue. The impaired ability of the heart to pump blood results in blood “backing up” into the pulmonary veins, with leaking of fluid into the lung tissue (pulmonary edema). According to Kapborg (1999), pulmonary edema contributes to dyspnea and cough. Fluid leaks out from other veins, causing peripheral ...
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