Getting The Contract

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Getting the Contract

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Getting the Contract


As a CEO of the multinational organization, working in the different origin of culture and the different region in different government`s policies. One have to follow the structure and the policies of the government`s in order to run the business smoothly in their countries. There are some boundaries and responsibilities are penetrating between the business organization and the values of the business structural values in different countries, like taxes, duties, human resources allocation capital allocation, financial resources allocation and using their government`s property in order to accomplish their business mission to pursue their business vision in longer run of the business. The CEO wants to expand his business in term of usage of technology which is not likely to import in their country, the government not allowed to import the technology in their country, but the CEO is approaching the different strategies to tackle the government to allow them to import the technology which is useful to install in their origin which helps them to use utilize their human resources to create a job opportunity, economic stability and business opportunity in their country. There are some pre-negotiations taken place between the organization and the government.


The CEO want to expand the business and want to produce over the extended limit to compete within the same industry and he want to negotiate with the government in order to import the technology because eventually this technology input will bring the prosperity in their country and help their economy to stable in. the negotiations are as follows;


Permission to Install the Technology

First step that the CEO should ensure that he has to take permission to import the technology and provide them the justification to allow them to allocate the technology other vise give them whatever it takes. ...
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