Gestational Diabetes

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Gestational Diabetes


I selected the article “Nurse-Based Management in Patients with Gestational Diabetes” by García-Patterson, A. Ubeda, J. Martín, E. María, A. M. Ginovart, G. Adelantado, M. J. Leiva, A. and Corcoy, R. As a nurse, it is a great responsibility to provide a comfort zone for the patient so that he or she can feel that someone is there who cares us because in hospitals patient's attendants cannot stay more than the time specified (AJNS, 2013).

According to the Royal College of Nursing and WHO, the purpose of nursing encompasses several aspects that give a holistic insight into the nursing profession. These include promoting and maintaining health, caring for individuals with compromised health, assisting recovery, facilitating independence, meeting needs and improving well being. Furthermore, the practice of nursing maintains specific prerequisites, among which education and experience of applying learned concepts is essential. Nursing skills must aptly provide direct patient care. Nurses must possess a portfolio of numerous skills including experience, empowering patients, communication skills, teamwork and compassion (RCN, 2003;WHO).


Gestational Diabetes Mellitus abbreviated as GDM, means as any level of carbohydrate intolerance with first or onset recognition during the period of pregnancy (Metzger & Coustan, 1998). Proper management and appropriate care results in the improvement of perinatal outcome for both the mother and the infant, but this requires extensive care and especially time consuming. The fundamental role of the diabetes nurse in women care with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus has either not been clarified (ADA, 1993) or been explained as educational. Moreover, according to the literature review conducted by the author for this article, only one article mentioned the active role of a nurse who takes care of diabetes patients. The basic aim of this article is the comparison of the rate of insulin treatment and perinatal outcome in the female having gestational Diabetes Mellitus under the supervision of endocrinologist versus metabolic management by diabetes nurse.


The objective of this article is the comparison between the insulin treatment rate and perinatal outcome in the female having GDM under the supervision of endocrinologist versus metabolic management by diabetes nurse. The author of this article chose the retrospective analysis technique. The retrospective analysis was done on the insulin treatment rate, maternal characteristics and perinatal outcome of the females having Gestational diabetes Mellitus delivering between the period of January 1995 and June 1997.The role of diabetes nurse was somewhat similar to that of advanced nurse practice in United ...
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