Geometry And Measurement

Geometry and Measurement

Geometry and Measurement

X = 710

Y = 680

Z = 410

Exterior Angle = 1100

Ratio of shaded to un-shaded region =

A = 960, B = 1520, C = 1520, D = 840

Perimeter ?ABC = 42 units

Perimeter ?DCE = 177366 units

Therefore, = 200

Also m BCS = m CBS

i.e. ?ABC is isosceles.

7. a. Area of large rectangle = 2.25 (Small Rectangle)

b. Perimeter (Large Rectangle) = 1.5 (Small Rectangle)

8. Perimeter = 30 units

9. x = 360 sides of a polygon

10. Z = 3.99 units


a. The figure is a regular quadrilateral

b. (3,0) and (-1,-1) = sqrt (17)

(3,0) and (-3,4) = sqrt (52)

(-3,4) and ...
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