Geo Political Themes Of Haiti

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Geo political themes of Haiti

Geo political themes of Haiti


Haiti is a country located in Central America; its land area is 27,750 km square in its territory totals more than 10 million inhabitants. Former French colony, the country is the first black republic in the world, being founded in 1804 by former slaves. Marked by a series of dictatorships and coups, the Haitian population witnesses a civil war and many socioeconomic problems. Haiti is the poorest country of America economically, its Human Development Index is 0.404 (low), approximately 60% of the population is undernourished and more than half live below the poverty line, or less than 1.25 dollar a day. Apart from all these factors, the country went through another tragedy, this time from the natural order. On January 12, 2010, an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale hit the country, causing a number of injured, homeless and deaths. Several buildings have collapsed, including the presidential palace in the capital Port au Prince.


According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the earthquake occurred about 10 miles deep and 22 miles from Port au Prince. This first earthquake preceded the other two magnitudes 5.9 and 5.5. This fact has promoted a great destruction in the Haitian capital region, it is estimated that half of the buildings were destroyed, 250 000 people were injured, 1.5 million people were displaced and the death toll has exceeded 200 thousand. Among the wounded and dead, are some Brazilians, Brazil is responsible for the peace process in Haiti, commands more than 7000 soldiers of the peacekeeping force of the United Nations (UN), and has 1,266 troops in the country. A week after the earthquake, there were 21 confirmed deaths of Brazilians, 18 soldiers and three civilians. Among them is the doctor Zilda Arns Neumann, international coordinator of the Pastoral, a pediatrician and sanitarian, Zilda was 73.

This earthquake has exacerbated social problems in Haiti, many people are using the streets as a dwelling for fear of another quake and subsequent overthrow of houses. Fact what really happened on the 20th of January. This new earthquake occurred in the Southeast, a little less than 60 kilometers from Port-au-Prince and toppled some buildings that were shaken with the structures as a result of the quake on 12 January. Drinking water, food and medicine are not enough to meet the needs of the population. With this scenario, a wave of looting occurred in the country, besides fighting for food acquisition.

The United Nations sent troops and humanitarian aid, plus 17 search and rescue teams. A Haitian Hoteline Losama after spending seven days buried, was saved by rescue specialists French, Americans and Haitians, one of the members of the rescue team said it was "a blessing" to have taken the girl alive. The UN announced that 1.2 billion were allocated in aid to Haiti.

Policy or at least a way of life philosophy, democracy is not an easy to implement system. In Haiti, the democratic process still frieze ...