Genetic Analysis

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Genetic Analysis

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Genetic Analysis

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Genetic Analysis

[Date of Submission]

Genetic Analysis


From the time that Watson and Crick discovered the code of life, from that time onwards the scientists are busy trying to untangle the mystery of life.

Genes refers to the data which is present in the DNA material of the cells. It is a hereditary material and is responsible for storing information regarding the physical, mental and psychological makeup of the individual. These genes come into the child from the mother and father and dictate everything from the child's age, face and features at age one til the day he dies at his old age.

There are a total of 23 pairs in the human chromosomes. This is a characteristic of the chromosomes that they come in pair, one from each parent. So it can be said that each individual has dual copies of themselves. One of these copies is known as allele. These two alleles might different or identical, that remains to be seen.

Advancements in the genetic research areas have project dedicated to it which is called the (HGP) Human Genome Project. It's a huge cohesive effort of the world to sequence and map all of the code present in the human genetics. The basic aim of research is to find if there is a relationship between a few specific diseases and some abnormal genes which some people possess. This identification and screening would help the professionals look for individuals those possess the genes that would increase the risk of their children developing a fatal disease. This technique has already produced a number of successful cases.

There is a condition known as PKU which results in severe radiation in children, if it is left to its own devices. This is one of the places where genetic screening in infants, has allowed the medical professionals to sort out the sick babies and treat them (Davis 1990). The treatment of PKU is simple; it only needs an alteration in the diet to prevent the negative effects of the brain. Humans are now being screened for other diseases like muscular dystrophy, Huntington's disease and breast cancer (Jaroff, 1996).


Ours is a flawed society. Humans are fickle creatures who are governed by their own sense of morality over anything else. Science is making progress day by day and it has now reached a point where it is allowing the parents to make decisions about their unborn children. This realm was until now considered to be God's realm. The decision to bless parents with kids with difficulties was seen to be a trial of some sort. However, Science is now presenting the parents with the opportunity to choose their kids. This kind of choice is and decision making has huge implication and far reaching effects that need to be considered before these practices are made public (Widdows, Mullen, 2009).

Mayeux and Schupf state that,

"Molecular genetics promises a greater and more precise understanding of how genetic factors influence disease." (Mayeux, Schupf, 1995)

Implications for the Society

The screening and ...
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