Genesis Vs The Popol Vuh: A Comparison And Contrast Of The Creation Stories

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Genesis Vs the Popol Vuh: A Comparison and Contrast of the Creation Stories

Genesis Vs the Popol Vuh: A Comparison and Contrast of the Creation Stories


Life is full of mystery that cannot be easily unfolded with measurable or scientific proofs. There were several debates over the creation of mankind, God and the natural world that how it came into existence? However, there is no concrete way of knowing what exactly happened at the time of world's creation which could serve us to the correct direction by supposing the occasions that brought to human creation. Two most famous myths are Genesis and the Popul Vuh. Each of these myths have similarity in its description, but yet difference in their expression or accounts of creation. Genesis is a bible's part that defines how the creation of humans took place by God. On the other hand, Maya were those people who belonged to the areas called as Belize, Honduras, Mexican State of Yucatan and Guatemala. The Maya creation story is from the Popol Vuh, which is known as Mayan Epic. However, the Genesis explains that there is only single God that created the entire humans and earth on the other hand; the myth of Maya says that there were 4 Gods that created humans by jointly efforts. It means that Genesis's God is much powerful, perfect and independent. However, the Popol Vuh Gods are less powerful in decision making therefore, required the help of four Gods. Moreover, the God created woman and man in the Genesis, but the Popol Vuh creation myth explains that a woman was singly created. There is a key difference in both of the texts that Genesis explains many details in its texts and while the creation of Maya Myth does not hold such detailed picture.


In the myth of Genesis regarding creation, one finds a monotheistic and praising world that is all perfectly made by God. In Genesis myths, God makes earth, heaven and all other creatures in seven days. On the sixth day, God makes man and woman last. He displays the love for human and adornment, and asks them one severe measure: not to eating from the Tree of Knowledge in the Paradise. The man and women do forget the alarm and they eat the fruit from the tree. Finally, God struck down and sent a huge flood on the earth, which destroyed and killed everything who continues that path. After this flood, God offered a second chance to human race by saving one family that belonged to a man called Noah along with pairs of all animal which he created. Ultimately, the family of Noah repopulated the earth and allowed humans to freely live under the rule of God. It is important to note that yet God did not forget the Adam and Eve's sin commitment. Therefore, humans are still infected with the original sin's flaw.

In the myths of Popul Vuh, one finds the perspectives and idea of polytheistic tradition, living and believing in several religious ...