General Pathology Module

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General Pathology Module

General Pathology Module

General Pathology Module


The Module of General Pathology provides an insight regarding the factors that are responsible of the infectious diseases. The causes the occurrence of Epidemiology could be gather in the module. The diseases of epidemiology are catered in the module. The further exploration of muddle would provide a comprehensive understanding of the principles of immune suppression and organ transplantation; carcinogenesis, malignancy and metastasis and disciplinary methodologies applied to these conditions. However the evidence based research are focused in the module 3 and in the 4t Module the evaluation of the overall syllabus and the importance and emphasises of learning responses would be utilized in the module descriptions.

Aim of the General Pathology Module

The aim of the module is to give an overview regarding the concepts and theories of general pathology. However the earlier researches and the recent researches regarding pathology would be the area of interest. Moreover the evaluation of the learning outcomes of the module would be feasible when the occurrence, treatment and causes of the diseases and its concepts would be cleared in the modules.

Background of the General Pathology Module

Medical pathology is the science that studies the patterns of occurrence, course and outcome of disease and certain pathological processes in humans and animals. Specialist that help in this field are called pathologist that are considered very important. This is so as the pathologist is a health professional responsible for analysis of tissues and fluids, their collection and their interpretation to lead to the path physiologic origin of disease. It relies on the latest discoveries in basic science as it is to be regarded as the most scientific of health professionals. Pathologists can be pathologists or clinical pathologists. The pathologists are dedicated to the diagnosis based on morphological observation of injury, primarily through light microscopy, using various types of stains (Cohen & Williamson, 1991, p.45). Clinical pathologists required to overcome the disease prevalence among the patients as they discuss the general pathological situations with patients and to overcome the dieses that is existing among the patients.

Structure of the General Pathology Module

There are 4 leaning outcomes of the module that gives an insight regarding the subject area and its internal requirements as the execution of the modules as to attain the necessary outcomes of the modules is to be depicted through the learning resources that would be needed for executing the module.

LO1: The governing factors towards the pathogens would be identified and the aetiology, complications/squeal and epidemiology would be considered in the current module.

LO2: principles of immunosuppressant and organ transplantation; carcinogenesis, malignancy and metastasis and disciplinary methodologies applied to these conditions.

LO3: Critically analyse and evaluate research and synthesise meaningful, evidence based, case studies using pathological processes

LO4: Critically analyse and evaluate screening programmes utilising the full range of learning resources.

Areas to be covered in the Learning Outcome Lo1-Lo4 in the Module

Pathology study occurs when deviation from the normal state or process development is observed. A pathologist examines the processes of deviation from the norm , that are impaired homeostasis , disease, dysfunction (Daszak et ...