General Management

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General Management

General Management


The study is related to general management which particularly focuses on the concern that to what extent is general management the same occupation in all organizations. However, according to new studies where the environment of the organization and also the business environment have changed, have made a significant impact on the management practices of the organizations. These approaches include new pubic management which is considered as the modern tactic that helps the organizations in resolving the problems that are arising due to the changing environment of the modern day business. In addition, the organizational behavior was considered as to be influenced by the classical approach which was helpful for identifying and resolving the initial or the minor problems that were pertaining to the organization. In this context, according to the past studies it is observed and proved that the organizational behaviors are influenced by various factors. These factors depend on different theories, moreover, past researchers worked on different aspect of a single phenomenon.


In context of Phillip Hayes, general management quite simply involves engagement with problem solving. In the view of general management by Phillip Hayes, organizational strategy is a systemic concept, made up of essential parts which are independently distinguishable but which together forms a new and better strategy which ultimately affect the whole organization in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of the organizational productivity. Examples of issues and problems addressed in general management include air quality and pollution, soil quality and pollution, water quality and pollution (including both fresh and marine water), hazardous materials and waste management, wild plant and animal habitat encroachment, land use policies, and land degradation in general. The practice of general management involves the making, interpretation, and enforcement of laws, as well as the research and monitoring of problems (Crocker and Algina, 2008, 16-29).

The government's role has been to regulate and monitor harmful substances and practices. As such, the field has historically been dominated by management scientists. Phillip Hayes has played a significant role in general management in the past but more directly since the 1950s and 1960s when protection legislation was approved at the federal level, namely, the Protection Agency. Given continuing problems and trends, as well as changes in the field type of issues that arise, management as a discipline is well positioned to continue taking a leading role in 21st-century general management. Throughout most of the history of these related fields, general management has been a largely technical and technocratic discipline government agencies have been tasked with devising technical solutions to what have been perceived as technical problems. In other words, pollution, for example, has been perceived as a technical problem that therefore has a technological solution; for example, better technologies and practices at factories to reduce the particular type of pollution (Gulliksen, 2009, 7-16).

In doing so, the frequently academic and abstract causes and consequences of degradation are confronted through the application and practice of general management at the scale of data collection in the field and data ...
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