Gender Pay Gap

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Gender Pay Gap

Gender Pay Gap


We have noticed that, women have not been given importance in any field especially in the workforce. The history has shown that, there was no major role of women in any professional competencies and, this was because women had not given appropriate chances to prove their leaderships. Women always played a secondary role in the society and, women had no dominance in the society. The only role found for women in the past, was to up raise the children and, cook for husband. Women wanted to stand on their own feet and, their desires had made them to take decisions to join men in the work force (Beaujot, 2004). Through that day of joining workforce with men, women are still trying to take independent steps and, show their leadership skills but, in many cases they are not appreciated from top management because of several reasons.

Kathleen Christensen believed that, the problems which were presented in the past with women, is still exist today because, no one is giving attention to resolve these issues. Because of these issues, families are not supporting their female children in order to get proper early education and, in rural areas, most of the females remain illiterate. When any female get a chance to join a workforce with men, then she has to face certain challenges in the workforce ( a, 2002). American parents have been trying to meet the demands of their family and children. According to Kathleen Christensen, we don't need further studies to know the problems of women in the social and structure aspects because, we have observed from our daily life experience ( a, 2002). This project is interesting in order to know the gender based inequality in salaries and wages in different regions of the world especially in Canada, Germany, France and Italy, Germany, Europe, France and other countries (Beaujot, 2004).

Literature Review

The salary is the channel through which the working class becomes independent and the enjoyment of other rights attached, and the wage gap is not only discrimination in day to day, but has repercussions in perpetuating inequalities, and jeopardizing social protection of women, such as unemployment benefits that women possess. Women have to work on average 62 days more a year to earn the wage and, hour means a man perceived in 2011. In 2011 the average annual earnings of women was € 19,502 and € 25,001 of men, which means that women earn less than half € 5,499 less than men (28% gap). With the advancement of technology, each day brings new ideas and revolutions, but with the advancement of technology several risk factors have also associated within workforce flexibility. This is not the issue that, more women are entering into the workforce but, issue is these women are not getting equal rights and, the issue of workforce flexibility is still unresolved. Kathleen Christensen's always treated the workforce flexibility as the central issue and, this is true because, flexibility is the combined product of several social ...
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