Gender Justice And The Law

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Gender Justice and the Law

Gender Justice and the Law


The report analyses the statement, “In the past, violence against women, particularly violence occurring in the home or between intimate partners, was viewed as a private matter, not as an issue of civil or political rights. Now, by applying the legally accepted definitions of torture to the violence that women face every day around the world, the international community has explicitly recognized violence against women as a human rights violation involving state responsibility (Amnesty International, Women's Human Rights, 2006)”. The main theme of the statement is based on the gender justice and the laws that are related to the gender issues.


According to the statement the act of torture said that the every act that hurt a person comes under torture act. The violence against women by the intimate is to the private issue it comes under the human rights. Violence against women is violence perpetrated against women based on gender and is considered a violation of human rights. The term of human rights is similar to that of violence against women; gender violence is the term that embraces a broader sense, as well as violence against women, including those against children. This terminology is widely used both at the institutional that individuals and associations of women working in the field. Talking about gender violence in relation to the widespread violence against women and children. It means to highlight the size of sexual because of the phenomenon a manifestation of a relationship between men and women. Historically, it is unequal that led people to bully and discriminate women. It is the Crucial social mechanisms that force women to a subordinate position to men, as is pointed out in the UN Declaration on Elimination of Violence against Women of 1993. Article 1 describes violence against women as any act of violence based on gender which causes or is likely to cause physical harm, sexual or psychological, including threats of violence, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or private.

Violence against women has only recently become the subject and public debate, in contrast to the lack of political violence against women, research, awareness-raising projects and training. The research carried out in the last ten years show that violence against women is endemic, in industrialized countries as in developing ones. The victims and their attackers belong to all social classes or cultural, economic and all social classes. According to the World Health Organization, at least one in five women has suffered physical or sexual abuse by a man in his lifetime. The greatest risk is family members, husbands and fathers, followed by friends, neighbours, acquaintances and colleagues close to work or study.

In the UK a conference on Human Rights Act 1998, women's associations, together with women from governments and international organizations. They can finally obtain two main results: the commitment to enact the Declaration on the Elimination of violence against women, then adopted by the General Assembly and the establishment on violence ...
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