Gender Equality

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Role of State and International Civil Society in Promoting Gender Equality

Role of State and International Civil Society in Promoting Gender Equality


Concept of gender discrimination and gender equality was begin in the nineteenth century after the world war II in Europe when men were fighting for their State and there was no one take their places for the different occupations and departments of the State except for the children, old men and women. Most of these people lose their family support in war and whole world was suffering the economic, political, social, ethical crisis. The world is undergoing major changes and one of these changes was that women take the men's tasks and they came out of the four walls of their homes to provide for their family and children. Before this women were supposed to stay at home and look after their family. It was the men's job to support their family and to lead them as a head. Women were always considering as a weak gender unable to take decision and any responsibility, and consider as inferior sex. After World War when women first take these jobs and proved them as good in all these as men in all these skills, this provides them confidence and realization that they are not inferior then men.

Women proved their decision making powers and other administrative skills in various fields and they proved that they are not inferior then men, but to accept this was very difficult for the male dominating society of that time. This was the time after World War II when Europe is no more in powerful State to run the administration of colonies. The colonies were recognizing as the Free States and emerging as a Separate independent State on the map, one of these states was United States of America. Along with these major political and demographic changes there were changes in the thought of every individual. Everyone was looking for freedom and their rights after long sufferings of the economical, social and racial inferiorities. The black people were also looking for the freedom and when these people got freedom there was a hope for women to take their chances and they too raise their voices for their rights. In the beginning these women asked for their rights of education but with the passage of time and on the basis of their better skills and proving them as good as men they ask for their rights to participate in the political and important decisions which were only reserved by males of that time. These women asked for their right to vote. This was very difficult for men to allow women to participate in such matters at State level. They oppose women and then women came forward for their rights. The movements of women activism and suffrage were the beginning from where, first time the concept of gender discrimination and gender equality emerge. These movements forced the State to accept their demands and to grant them their basic ...
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