Gender And Sport

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Gender and Sport

Gender and Sport


The aim of this research is to provide information regarding the biological aspect in gender and sport. The basis of this research is the notion that states that body is constructed socially. All the discussion in this people would be with respect to gender and sport. According to the research of Collins and Zebrowitz (1995), bodies do impact the factors of appearance and success. It can be said physical appearance counts less as compared to intelligence and competence. However, there have been only a few American presidents that were shorter than 6 feet tall. The research also shows that height accounts for approximately 10% of man's earning.

The role of body is an important factor in sports that makes up most striking symbol along with constituting the sports activity's material core. Many researchers in today's world believe that an “embodies sociology of sport” is needed today. Most of the researchers in sport are research the body in terms of cultural and social rather than on biological. One reason why they overlook the element of body is because they are bias of sociology in general and prefer the culture of western to split the mind from body (Melnick and Yiannakis, 2001). The research on the environment of sport shows that there are roles and conflict that exist with regards to gender. The female participants argue that greater emphasis is being given to the behavior and values of masculine (McCreary, and Chrisler, 2010). Therefore, it becomes important for researchers to research on the biological aspects with regards to sports and gender.


It is quite clear that the role of gender is important in sports and there are stereotypes that are common and influencing the industry of sports. However, it is not necessary that the outcomes would lead to conflicts of goals. According to some interviews with female players of rugby in United States, women in the industry of sports perceive that there are several stigma and stereotypes that are related to sports activities of “masculine”. However, they have not particularly experience conflict to a high level in their professional career (Larsen, Karp and Gilenstam, 2008). The industry of sports is changing rapidly with the passage of time. The gender roles and stereotypes that were established initially are changing to some extent. However, males still dominate most of the sport activities that require physical strengths and attributes.

On of the major institutional source for studying the social construction of gender is sport. According to many researches, it is quite evident that men are much stronger than women with respect to physical features. There are many sport activities that require physical strength which is a major factor for the development of stereo types that males are better in sport as compared to females. The bodies of males and females are socially constructed and largely differ from one and other. The bodies of males give them a competitive edge over females as they are not equally strong to ...
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