Gender And Diversity In The Work Place

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Gender and Diversity in the Work Place

Executive Summary

Women in the modern societies are not confined to the domestic sphere. Nowadays, they leave their houses in order to work, to study and to develop social relationships. They do not any longer accept these pre-established patterns when adopting jobs in organizations. The transformations of concepts of family and work verified in the developed societies, combined with a myriad of factors the power increase of the scholarship of women, the advance of economies based on services, more egalitarian laws, birth control conception, etc. has modified the way women with reports and public spheres. Therefore, with work to investigate and to understand the levels of motivations for work achievement and compare it with men can improve the establishment of best management politics in the organizations. The paper has searched to enlarge the knowledge on the influences of this sort of gender and diversity in organizations. Results suggest that there are differences between men and women regarding the attributed importance of values ??for work. In managing diversity, corporations choose to implement diversity management in the workplace. Moreover, they implement innovative tools for supporting the completion of the policy of equal treatment and diversity management in the workplace.

Gender and Diversity in the Work Place


In today's world, it has been observed that organizations are setting up a major focus in response to managing diversity and gender roles, as the workforce is making demographic shifts in order to avail opportunities. Moreover, the influx of gender roles and diversity in organizations has appeared as an alternative in the search for competitive advantage, since the literature advocates that diversity can leverage responses that are more creative (Aicher, 2009). Organizations that encourage and value differences in perspectives as business strategy, can develop learning, creativity, innovation, as they have greater representation to consumers and a focus on increasing the attraction and retention of professionals.

The importance of diversity and gender roles are increasing in companies for various reasons and for such purposes, organizations are adopting practices that increase the level of contribution in this regards. However, there is a considerable amount of research, which indicates that until today many organizations do not introduce the concept of diversity or give power to the opposite gender at workplace as they follow the old systems.

Gender and diversity, when properly administered can be an asset to the organization's performance, but can also conversely bring effects to negative performance in case of mismanagements. Likewise, it appears that the different dimensions of diversity have been related to different results for organization. If heterogeneous groups have a better relationship with results of cognitive, homogeneous groups tend to be more integrated socially (Aicher, 2009). One reason for this is that most people are ethnocentric or possess an exaggerated tendency to find a group of characteristics superior to those of other groups or races and therefore tend to have greater proximity with groups who are perceived with greater similarities. Whereas, these people find difficulties in understanding and communicating with those people who are ...
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