Gay Rights

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Gay Rights

Gay Rights


There has been an ongoing debate on the gay's rights or the past couple of days all over the world. Gays rights movements and campaigns are regularly being conducted. The civil rights movement may have started to improve the lives of a large number of different ethnical groups. Laws in Quest for equal rights of people who have been unfairly persecuted for hundreds of years will encourage and lead to another group of citizens. Although their origin may be quite different their goals remain the same, it remains for all members of American society, "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness" (Allen, 2006). Many gays see this as just the beginning in this long struggle for gay rights that they were hoping for. Thus, in the context of the paper we intend to shed light on gay rights movement form different perspectives and related notions in order to develop an effective and efficient understanding of the subject.


Brief History

Gay marriage may be defined as the unison between people of the same sex. There are several reasons why people prefer to engage in gay marriages. These include biological, psychological and social preferences for a matrimonial partner. The trend for legalizing gay marriages started from Denmark which is the first country ever to legalize gay marriages. This legalization for the Northern Europe and countries was deemed as provision of equality. Norway, Sweden, Iceland, and Finland followed the bandwagon and legalized gay (Tribich, 2010). Though the legality of the issue is still debated in the US, it has been legalized in Canada. The purpose of marriage is love, support or the most dominant purpose of sexual satisfaction from the partner. For people who do not have the normal sexual inclination towards the other gender, opposite sex marriage can be a burden.

Thomas Jefferson in 1779 was the first to propose the law, which would authorize the castration of gays, but at that time, it was not accepted. After 224 years later to this proposition, when U.S. Supreme Court and the law of treating people having same sex intercourse in Lawrence v. Texas. In 1951, the first gay organization was founded. In 1955, Daughters of Bilitis (DoB) was formed, which was the first lesbian right organization. In 1962, the first state in United States of America, to decriminalize the homosexual act was in Illinois. In 1973, the greatest success was that the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality form the list of mental disorders. In 1976, Harvey Milk was appointed as the first openly gay city commissioner in Unites States (Delaet & Caufield, 2008).

In 1977, there was the biggest defeat by 70% to the gay activist when there was a campaign started all over by the name Save Our Children by the Christian fundamentalist group in Miami, Florida. In 1979, there was the National March in Washington for the Lesbian and Gay Rights, constituting of 75,000 people, which had the largest political support for the LGBT rights to ...
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