Gay Marriage

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Gay Marriage

After careful concern I have decided that I, too, am opposed to gay marriages. Not that any gays have inquired to marry me; but ever since Bob Dole and Pat Buchanan made this a crucial topic in the presidential crusade, I have sensed the need to speak out. Iacquiesce with the conservatives that gays cannot fulfill the sacred obligation of marriages, which is to procreate. And to be reliable, I accept as true that heterosexual marriages that verify childless after nine months should be dissolved. This would end Dole's, Buchanan's and Newt Gingrich's current marriages; but I am sure they will understand (

They are furthermore right in arguing that gay marriages are very intimidating to heterosexual marriages. If you've ever dwelled beside a gay twosome, you would know that they set a very awful example. Irecall endeavouring to be heterosexually wed once in the notorious Castro locality in San Francisco. My wife of the time kept matching me very unfavorably to gay spouses. They managed to earn a living; take part in civic life; and still find the time to do the bowls, fix the go under, and even paint their houses. Ikept telling her it's unnatural for a man to be so handy. Her irrationally intensified anticipations shortly completed our marriage. Another thing is that gay men who desire to get lawfully wed as are against to just living together or, better yet, having one-night stands are apparently abnormal. I have never met a hetersexual man who was thrilled at the prospect of tying the legal knot (Stiers, 78).

That's why we get foolishly intoxicated and destructive at darkly ritualistic pre-wedding bachelor parties. My heterosexual associates habitually considered that their live-in connections were going along just fine and suspiciously interrogated why their girlfriends sensed the need to hurry ...
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