Gay Marriage

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Gay marriage

Topic same-sex marriage undermines the headlines of local newspapers and a heavy burden on the social brevity of every American over the past few weeks. Law passed by the House of Representatives by a vote 342 votes to 67 and the Senate by a vote by 85 votes to 14. (Kurtz, 13-17) As discussed it is issued, the president and the majority of the Senate feel the same way that gay marriage is morally and spiritually wrong.

Why marriage is so important to the Gay Couples?

For many, marriages are a basic feature of commitment. However, many Americans still can not marry. (Kurtz, 13-17) A new study by scientists at the University of North Carolina believes that gay and lesbian couples formed long-term, committed relationship, even in the absence of marriage rights. The study, published in the journal on the family, showed that the institution of marriage is both more and less important for gay couples than previously thought. This marriage is more important for same-sex couples in terms of legal rights, such as retirement and health care, and less important as a sign of commitment. Forty gays and lesbians in the 20 long-term cohabitating couples were interviewed on three areas of research:

1. as long-term same-sex couples in hindsight to explain their transition to a perfect relationship?

2. For couples who have had commitment ceremonies, the role of marriage and commitment ceremonies play in the processes?

3. For couples who have no commitment ceremony, how they view marriage and the ceremonies in connection with their union?

For many homosexual couples, commitment is ambiguous in the absence of the main markers, such as marriage, it makes it difficult to determine when all received the first serious. (Kurtz, 13-17) Forty percent of respondent's pairs took part in the commitment or marriage, but these rituals were not committed to making moments in the relationship. Rather, the ceremony served as a celebration of an existing obligation.

Just last week on my trip to Florida, I was involved in a discussion with some friends on the topic of marriage. Again and again, commitment and legal rights are retained more and good points for and against marriage kept pop. In truth, marriage is really stupid in terms of a sign of commitment.

Do not get me wrong-I'm not saying that I do not want my big day in a white dress and flowers, because I'm doing. What I say, the ...
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