Gay Marriage

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Gay Marriage

Gay Marriage


This paper intends to highlight the issue of gay marriage which is the most important and prevailing ethical issue in the United States. There are numerous ethical perspectives about the gay marriage or same sex marriage pertaining to the legalization of the relationship. Gay marriage is the most hot topic as it is perceived to affect the country, and the future of next generation.The gay marriage creates the ethical controversy at times of dealing with the morally wrongness and rightness as ethics is concerned with what is good and what is bad, and what ought to do and what consequences ought to be achieved. However, the same sex relationships are considered as the social taboo and many laws oppose the same sex marriage.

The thesis statement of the study is how the utilitarianism theory is concerned with the gay marriage and how it can be used to resolve the prevailing issue of same sex marriage for the goodness of the society.


The gay marriage has become the most discussed and debated topic throughout the United States where the gay couples are found to be fighting to the equality rights as the heterosexual couples do when it comes to marriage. However, in this concern, the utilitarianism theory can be applied to resolve the issue of gay marriage as according to this concept the problem with the ethics of gay marriage can be resolved as it is based on the moral action which allows same sex marriage legal and socially acceptable. The utilitarianism is the theory of normative ethics according to which the utility maximizes the happiness and reduces the suffering or pain (Anscombe, 1958).

According to Jeremy Bentham (1970), the founder of utilitarian theory, argued that the pursuit of pleasure and prevention from pain are the ruling conducts of human ...
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